So basically I’m given an ultimatum. Either get with it or get lost????? Lol no no no no no no. Your not hearing me or at least not all of me. The problem is, guys come in on FIRST encounter and expect me to act as if I’ve known them my whole life when I’ve stressed (often more than once) that I’m shy & submissive. It’s really not fair that I will have already explained this and they ALL pretend to be okay and know what to do to make me more comfortable yet do nothing at all but lay there and expect me to go full on PSE �� I’m a little sarcastic, but seriously. I’m getting better though, I just felt a little offended that literally everyone under the post was blaming me for something that literally isn’t my fault at all and I would go into detail on how it isn’t my fault but I don’t think I’m allowed. All the comments under it were RUDE. Some one said “just go in hard and bend her over” LIKE SRSSLYY??????? You don’t think that’s apart of the damn problem??? Lmaoooo.