Quote Originally Posted by ck1942 View Post
The way verification of hobbyists works best:

Hobbyist directs companion to send her endorsement directly to ck1942 (with ck1942 also in the TO: field) and for her to copy that message to the hobbyist by including his handle in the TO: field)

If the companion merely replies to the hobbyist that the deed has been done, and if the hobbyist doesn't see ck1942 in the TO: field, one can lay odds (I have seen that lady more times than necessary) that the chances are ck1942 was not included in the messaging.

ck1942 does not accept (and may not even reply!) to messages passed along by hobbyists who cannot follow directions.

There is currently a significant backlog of incoming endorsements; and it is not easy to search for the endorsee but it is easy to search for the endorser.

And when since ck1942 doesn't know who is endorsing who unless that data is included somewhere in the hobbyist's direct communications ... ???

No, endorsements of males by other males is not acceptable.

Happy Hobbying!
I had sent my request on December 30. I have reforwarded my oks. Still waiting. If there was anything missing, I like to know what it is.