Quote Originally Posted by Seductrix4U View Post
This. Is. Everything. I think once men get out of their paradigms, they have a much better time! I'm like you, sir. I like my men in all stripes and colors. Fat, skinny, short, tall, black, white, brown, yellow. Old. Young (but not too). Most of all, FUN!

The only thing missing in my life is a big mound of pubic hair! All the men shave their crotches. Perfection WOULD exist if I could find that '70s mound of heaven with a nice protrusion sticking out of it. And then I'd put on my Peter Frampton album and we'd make some memories like in my younger days!

NOT that I'm shaming you hairless guys! I'm not. Just missing a furry place to bury my face!
Peter Frampton!
Damn girl. For a second I was back in high school