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Thread: curious about new stuff?

  1. #31
    Verified Hobbyist BCD mathguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sue Nami View Post
    wow that's quite some mansplaining going on there math. Look this is easily proven, as a squirting woman, I offer sessions with golden shower and squirting in the same sessions and I can show anyone who cares to learn the difference easily in a one hour fetish session. Please, put your money where your mouth is and pony up and let me prove it and you can write a review. I am not skeered and I squirt and it is most definitely NOT pee. Ya know, it always tickles me when a man writes a long missive about squirting is not real and merely pee when I have personally taught 100's of women to squirt. I am not here to argue with you. I am here to squirt on you. come here.
    Right, Sue, but you even admit that your sessions are golden shower sessions too. I don't want to "argue" with you either. I appreciate your viewpoint. And I don't mind offering differing viewpoints. There is nothing wrong with that. It's a healthy form of debate. But I've got a lot scientific knowledge in this dome I read a lot, a LOT. Plus I've had 2 personal lovers in my life that I've done this with regularly. I'm just saying this isn't just "some guy" trying to explain how your body works. Please don't take it that way. You wouldn't think that about your male gynecologist would you? Or a guy think that about his female urologist? Just saying. Not hating. I'm glad you engaged and are offering your opinion and experiences.

    There is definitively not conclusive data on this yet, so I agree that's it's not entirely known yet. Not *even* to this very day. However, the one thing virtually all urologists, gynecologists, and various sexologists agree on though is that a significant portion of the fluid is urine.


    1. "On Christmas Eve 2014, a group of French doctors published a study of seven women, who were given ultrasound scans before and just after ejaculation. The scans suggested that the women were probably urinating – though Dr Salama and his colleagues added: 'a marginal contribution of prostatic secretions to the emitted fluid often exists.'"

    2. "Subsequently in 2015, New Scientist published an analysis of these results. The seven Frenchwomen believed that they were experiencing true ejaculation — not urination. But the fluid that five of them produced was actually urine."

    The Skene's glands are tiny structures (in women where they can find them - not all have them/or can find them) near the urethra. These glands do produce a fluid similar to semen that is produced in the male prostate (at much lower quantities though). Some women can have more or larger of these glands but they are still *very* small. They simply cannot produce that much fluid. It is medically impossible. Medical scientists generally agree that some women appear to release a prostatic-like secretion (which may also contain a prostate specific antigen - there is a very small amount in male semen that is used to break it down so that sperm can swim - that's what makes semen liquify with minutes - super important for delivery to eggs). However, it's relatively small amounts and the rest is urine.

    The other thing is the fluid, regardless of if it's highly fructose based, along with other enzymes and PSA (similar to semen) type of fluid it absolutely does deliver through the urethral opening - not the vaginal opening. There is absolutely no doubt on this matter. And for this reason it's also extremely likely that the studies (such as the 2 above and many others online) which show urine content are concluding correctly that g-spot orgasm as a result of massaging along the clitoral network results in a couple of events. Namely, the release of vaginal secretions made up of various acids, healthy bacteria, water, etc... Also, the release of a semen like fluid (though in much lower quantities) from the Skene's glands (in women where these exist along the urethral tube and opening). And finally, partial loss of control of bladder content resulting in urine seeping. The amount will vary depending on many factors. Physiology. Hydration. Bladder contents. Intensity of orgasm. How well you are able to control your muscles when/if the orgasm occurs.

    I think that people who believe it is not urine either A) want to believe that or B) it doesn't smell like urine and has a decent mixture of other vaginal secretions, antigen, Skene's gland secretions, etc which further masks that issue.
    Urine does not always smell people. Urine smells because the byproduct of kidney processing is removing nitrogen and urea and uric acid. Urea is a by-product of mammalian protein metabolism. And urea itself can breakdown into ammonia. These are all what make urine smell. But you can easily have virtually odorless urine b/c it's low in nitrogen, urea, uric acid, and/or ammonia content. This will be much more common if you stay well hydrated and do not drink things that have diuretic effects.

    And if the woman doesn't have Skene's glands that are identifiable, either too small, not responsive, non-existent, etc.... and even more importantly if she does not have a deep and sensitive internal anterior vaginal wall network of clitoral nerve endings she will likely never experience what has come to be known as a "g-spot orgasm" or "squirting". It's near anatomically impossible. Though I'd venture this is very rare. Most women just need the clitoral network. Most have that but may not be as sensitive or have certain mental taboo issues (blockers) and certain things which don't allow them to "let go" or be completely "vulnerable".

    I believe that most women can achieve it. My hypothesis is that Skene's glands are not really responsible for most of it. They simply do not produce enough fluid, it's extremely minuscule. These glands are so small that some doctors/scientists cannot even find them in certain women (or believe they don't exist). And furthermore they are part of the urethral tube. Not the anterior vaginal wall that contains the clitoral nerve endings. So whether you have them or not is less an issue (regarding Skene's - that's my own personal theory on that one I admit - but with very concrete logic behind it).

    The main issue is being able to relax, enjoy internal clitoral stimulation, remove taboos from your mind, trust your partner, don't be self conscious, don't worry about "peeing" or what your partner thinks. A woman needs to remove all of those ideas. She has to be completely comfortable with the partner. For example if you can't masturbate in front of the person, you can forget about g-spot orgasm. Not happening. I'll put my left hand on that (and I'm left handed)

    Bottom line/TL;DR

    I'm telling you.... it's urine (well, not all of it - but a good portion). It is. And either way, Skene's secretion and urine both come from the urethra. That much is conclusive. Look it up. Given that knowledge, it's not hard to see that the intense loss of control would result in the various secretions, including bladder leakage, coming out the urethra. Granted there can also be a healthy dose of various other vaginal secretions, acids, enzymes, etc... (these do *not* come from the urethra), possible Skene's secretions, and urine (these *do* come out the urethra - both of them). Urine does not have to stink. It can be completely odorless. Completely. Read above to understand why.

    I wish you continued success with your sessions and am not trying to take anything away. I just wanted to offer up knowledge I have acquired backed up by experiences I have had. That's all. No harm no foul. Cheers!

    Last edited by mathguy; 10-29-2018 at 02:47 AM.

  2. #32
    Retired Companion
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    Very,very well written Mathguy. And science is on your side:)

  3. #33
    Registered Male (Not Verified) DragonX's Avatar
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    This has gotten a bit interesting.
    So I am curious on the ultrasounds, was it of the bladder? I am assuming they checked for fluid in the bladder. I think, while Sue offers GS and squirting at the same time, it would stand to reason if you pee on me (emptying the bladder) then subsequently squirt on me you would not see the discharge amount that one usually sees.

    Also I wonder if we should break this off to its own thread, keeping this for the "try new stuff". I think it is a worth while discussion as the female form, no matter how good I think I am, is still a mystery!
    On hobby hiatus.

  4. #34
    Verified Hobbyist BCD mathguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
    Very,very well written Mathguy. And science is on your side:)
    Thanks, Ellen. I appreciate it. It's a really interesting topic and I didn't mean to cause a derail on the thread but I love the topic and I've read so much on it throughout the years as well as having two personal partners where this was a very intense experience. Like I was saying I've done it with toys, fingers, various positions, and even with my penis alone (that can happen is the penis fits right and rubs the "g-spot" just right as the girl is in a position that she or the guy can cause a rapid rocking motion - similar to the fingers rubbing the spot). The two best positions I have known for the orgasm to occur are: girl on back legs open and girl presses knees to her chest. That latter one allows for a highly angled entry to that fingers, a toy, or even penis, can hit the "spot" on the anterior wall (under the tummy up and behind the clitoris).

    It's a super interesting topic b/c even to this day not all scientists agree on every single aspect (though many parts I mentioned are quite conclusive). Thank you so much for the compliments. I'm truly glad you enjoyed the read!

  5. #35
    Verified Hobbyist BCD mathguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DragonX View Post
    This has gotten a bit interesting.
    So I am curious on the ultrasounds, was it of the bladder? I am assuming they checked for fluid in the bladder. I think, while Sue offers GS and squirting at the same time, it would stand to reason if you pee on me (emptying the bladder) then subsequently squirt on me you would not see the discharge amount that one usually sees.
    Yes, they have taken them of the entire region. And, yes, you will not have much liquid come out if the bladder empties. See that's my point. I've seen this myself up close. Let me explain a couple things. But this might be kinda gross to some; just a fair warning!

    So I've explained all about the odor of urine and how it can be odorless if you have less urea and uric acid along with nitrogen products. You can read about it more at length above. Those are byproducts of protein metabolism. I'm not a biochemist but I have a best childhood friend who was going to stay in computer science with me but then decided to go off to school for a Ph.D in genetics/biochemistry and works at the Max Plank Institue (I won't say more b/c I have to protect identity). We have had *many* conversations about it over the years. One thing you have to realize is our entire body and genes are based largely on protein structures. In fact a "gene" is technically a piece of DNA that "codes" for a specific protein. That's the definition of a gene. It's a fancy way of saying gene sequences in DNA are designed to make certain proteins. Enzymes are type of proteins. Proteins are found all over our bodies, everywhere, every gene you have is a genetic structure that "codes" to make a certain type of "protein structure" (not just muscles, k?). Everything. Simply everything. That is what all genes in all DNA do....period. Ok, enough science class.

    The other part is the color of urine. This is the part that "could" be a little gross for some of you. Urine is yellow b/c of a compound known urochome (actually it's call urobilin). I'm not going to explain the whole process b/c it would be like me trying to explain the Kreb's cycle which is something biochemists, doctors, and nutritionists spend the better part of an entire semester on. At any rate, urobilin ultimately comes from breakdown of bilirubin. Bilirubin is what ultimately turns to stercobilin in the large intestine and makes feces brown colored. Ok so I didn't mention that simply to be gross LOL. The thing is some of the bilirubin or these byproducts left in the large intestine get reabsorbed into the bloodstream and become "oxidized" to urobilin and eventually are excreted by the kidneys. This is why pee is yellow. The more you have the yellower your pee will be. I'm sure many have heard or "jaundice" or "yellow cap"? You know where that comes from? High bilirubin counts. Anyway that's why pee is yellow. Again, if you want nice odorless, colorless urine, what do you think you should do? ........... Yes, drink water. Stay hydrated with healthy fresh liquids, preferably plain clean water, but many other juices and drinks are okay too. This is the most important thing.

    So, pee does not have to be yellow. If it is it's because you have high concentrations of urochrome/urobilin (which was reabsorbed in from your large intestine where the bilirubin was metabolized and flushed in the kidney as uroblin).
    Pee does not have to stink. If it does this is due to high levels of urea, uric acid, and nitrogen. If you want to try an experiment to see how this works just eats TONS of protein for a few days or week. Protein shakes, protein rich foods, etc... In a few days or week your body will be breaking down the large excess of proteins which can not be used for regular cellular metabolism, muscle cell rebuilding, and so on. When that happens it will break down into these products and your pee will stink more. Drinking lots of water will mitigate that though to a degree.

    The main thing though what I was getting at earlier with regard to your question about bladder emptying is that, yes, if the girl already orgasms and she has gushed or leaked a good bit already, she may still be capable of more g-spot orgasms. However there will be very little liquid which comes out. Some women won't be able to do that. Just like some guys can't cum again without a longer refractory period (that's the scientific term for "post cum resting before you can get off again"). Women typically don't have nearly as long a refractory period and some can multi-orgasm. Some cannot. Others need long breaks. This part is not at all about g-spot only orgasms this is talking about all female orgasms including g-spot.

    Very likely if it's a girl that's quickly cumming again it's entirely possible, even if it's up to an hour after the original g-spot orgasm, and definitely if within 5-10min, there will certainly be much less volume of liquid. But she can still "cum". Just like a guy who rests and gets through his refractory stage can cum again but after 1 or 2 it might be a "dry" cum. Why? We don't reproduce semen that fast. The bladder fills faster so it's possible that a woman can continue to leak. But, yea, generally speaking it's going to be less and less if she is having frequent "g-spot" multi orgasms in close proximity. However, she can still cum.

    That kind of cumming for a girl is different than a guy. We experience pleasure as a rush and explosion of semen forced through the urethra as it ejects and rapidly flies out the prostate. It is quite literally an "extremely enjoyable moment of pain" as the semen is forcibly pushed through the urethra at high velocity. This is different than female ejaculation. Totally different. Female ejaculation is not the same. That's where I think all the confusion begins. They do not produce "semen" and they do not eject it at extreme velocity.

    This is what men experience. This is why some men "groan" or "snort" or make loud funny noises. It's literally an extremely enjoyable moment of pain. There are other factors obviously besides the "semen". You can dry cum. And that's ok. But tell me..... do you really want to dry cum? I think not. Doesn't feel as good. Not even close. For a woman though that part doesn't matter nearly as much (for some at all). The liquid is just a side effect of extreme ecstasy and losing control of muscles and bladder function (and, yes, admittedly there is evidence of many other secretions, vaginal, and urethral, that are not urine - but definitely not in that quantity range).

    Okay, signing off. I salute you! <military salute!> haha


    Quote Originally Posted by DragonX View Post
    Also I wonder if we should break this off to its own thread, keeping this for the "try new stuff". I think it is a worth while discussion as the female form, no matter how good I think I am, is still a mystery!
    That might be a good idea Dragon. I don't disagree. I certainly didn't intend to derail. But I admit I have a common "habit" of allowing my loaded brain to send forth spewing information! However, like I said in other places, I mean no harm and I'm really just trying to be helpful. For those who just want to be douches, I will caution you, getting into a verbal joust with me about that is not a really good idea (FYI Dragon that had nothing to do with your comment - your cool bro - I was sending that out to the "masses" who may decide they wanna be dicks/bitches - JS - some seem to want to - I mean don't read it if you don't like it or it's too long). But yea, maybe we should break it off to another thread since it wasn't the point of this thread. I agree completely.

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