2 other stocks I'm high on...

EDR (Endeavor Group Holdings) - EDR has a controlling stake in the UFC. The IPO was about 10 days ago and opened at $24. I bought in at $24.67. Right now its at $30 and had a nice gain today ($0.58 or ~2%) when the entire market was down.

GNOG (Golden Nugget Online Gaming) - This stock was under $11 last week when the market was down about 800 points. I was going to buy on Friday but said the hell with it Ill buy on Monday. Now it's sitting over $12. IMO what makes this stock attractive are two things..
1. If you look at their competition (PENN Gaming & Draftkings) both stocks are over $40 with Penn Gaming closer to $80. As GNOG gets regulatory approval and opens up in other states I would expect the share price to climb higher towards their competitors. Currently they are operating in MI and have approval to operate in IA and CO. They are a little late to the game.

2. I dialed into their earnings release and they are going to offer live online gaming. What I mean by that is they are going to have a live dealer I assume for table games (blackjack and poker) and you can play with a live dealer while you are sitting on your couch. To the best of my knowledge they might be the first to offer this type of gaming. So it's more than just sports betting. CEO Tilman Fertitta mentioned other gaming companies are going to outsource and use their dealers..