When I came into the hobby, many providers still had a courtesan orientation. They truly strove to make your time with them memorable. Definitely not a "use my parts and get out" experience. They met you at the door with a smile. I remember one occasion when a lady that I had seen a few times left me a clever surprise.

I was in the practice of of putting condoms, lubricants, etc. into a small box that I took with me to appointments. She was aware of that. After one appointment, I got home and went to "restock" supplies, but when I opened the box, there was a pair of black lace panties with her... scent... on them... omigosh...

I can't tell you how many times I have reflected on that moment with a smile.

So. GFE, IOP... that's what it look like. Or should. It used too, anyway.