Quote Originally Posted by someguy12 View Post
I just had this happen with a provider last year. Thing was she’s seen me many times. Then when we had a appointment coming up she didn't send her confirmation texts she does the day of the appointment. Long story short she finally told me why after pulling teeth to get it out of her. The reason I wanted to know an answer was because I seen her many times and to suddenly just ghost me was upsetting. Turns out she had a gripe about me she didn’t bother to tell me about and continued to see me without resolving it. I told her if she had a problem with me she could of told me and worked it out.
I think this case is different. You saw her many times. Not as easy to brush that off. And as they say: you can’t miss what you never had

I’m curious- we’re you able to work it out after all that or was it too far gone?