
I'm sure you're a nice girl, but please go back to Austin with your ridiculous rates. No self-respecting hobbyist in Dallas will pay $700/hr. I have seen a lot of your posts that you are trying to sell an experience, which is awesome and you very much should be selling an experience. But by charging $700/hr think about the experience you are attracting.... dumb and desperate schmucks. You're cute, but so are many other providers who also provide an amazing experience. There are gorgeous providers in Dallas who provide an amazing experience for $300-$400 an hour. So I think I can speak for most of the seasoned respectful gentlemen here when I say, either get more realistic or just go back to Austin. Best of luck to you, and if you decide to ever change your rate to $300/hr, I'd be happy to see you and write a detailed review of hopefully an amazing experience.