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Thread: Why not - everyone does it for other things :/

  1. #1
    Verified Hobbyist BCD mathguy's Avatar
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    Why not - everyone does it for other things :/

    Well sadly there were about 15,000ish deaths today caused by infectious diseases OTHER than COVID. And 15K per day will occur other than COVID every single day going forward for as long as you can count, 24/7/365. That's been the case for years per WHO global data on infectious diseases. Not sure why no one cares about those .

    Apparently you are only an uncaring asshole if you mention how the greater damage is caused by the draconian measures of lockdowns for COVID and not when you don't even say one word about the 5.7MN infectious disease deaths?!?

    I mention the science I mention, when I do, and the data, b/c I don't want my kids uneducated, I don't want yours uneducated, I don't want kids getting no socializing which will create sociopaths. I don't want millions of people's kids starving now that they don't get their only meal/snacks of the day (now that public schools are closed millions around the world get zero or near zero food). I don't want millions of kids not getting important childhood vaccinations. I also don't want people committing suicide bc their entire lives are ruined.

    I don't EVER mention it for any other reason folks. Not to be right. I am right, but, no, I don't care about that (I already know that).

    So, no. No no no. What I care about is the fact that way more harm is being done to our world by people who won't get on with their lives (which ruins everyone's and their children too). Its not bc some people wear masks all the time. Fine. I don't care about that. Personally I have to limit and can't even shop much anymore bc the mask makes me very dizzy. I don't care about that though. If you want to be cautious fine. The problem is in the world not getting on with normal life and the result of that is far, far more deadly than the absurdly low number of deaths (especially relatively) which have occurred from COVID.

  2. #2
    The "Guide" In Black ® Mokoa's Avatar
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    Topic is not hobby related.

    Moved to the proper forum.
    "Don't come here and grumble about going too fast. Get the hell out of the race car if you've got feathers on your legs or butt. Put a kerosene rag around your ankles so the ants won't climb up there and eat that candy ass."

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  3. #3
    Verified Hobbyist BCD mathguy's Avatar
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    Would probably be a good idea to do this for any of the covid threads too. Ijs.

    I don't really care either way about the forum it's in but if people are going to post all kinds of junk about covid, or how they're sick, or wah wah so many people are sick, a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend, blah blah blah, it's not really hobby related either.

    I don't want people to keep doing stuff like that and putting it out there, wah wah omg the news said the sky is falling, and then trying to censor the logical camp, the scientists; those of us who have the data *and* most importantly can interpret it.

    All the Trumpian herd following idiots who only know how to be spoon fed news or political garbage that's all fine and dandy, I don't give a damn about those idiots, except that now this is affecting my own children b/c of the chaos these retards who can't read or make decisions for themselves are creating everywhere. It's affecting millions of others too (even those of you that are among the idiots - at least give your kids a damn chance to grow a brain.... sheesh). If we keep this up they won't. Many of them will starve too. They won't get proper education. What a nightmare. Millions of the idiots out here now had the benefit of schooling and now we are going to put a generation of kids through who don't even get proper schooling?? Might as well just start shooting people in the head. You'd be better off. Talk about a doomed society.

    I'm truly baffled at the irony. I've never seen anything so idiotic in my entire life. To let the general public get hold of this and start an infodemic incident that will affect our children, middle aged, and elderly alike is so stupid. I certainly don't want my children growing up in a Trumpian style educational system. By that I mean to say, non-existent, or backwoods schooling, which is what is happening b/c of our current virtual schooling. So they can't think for themselves and end up deifying politicians and scientists b/c "they're *gooder* than everyone else and have ALL the answers". Gimme a break. Stupid AF.

  4. #4
    Verified Hobbyist BCD risn2theoccasion2's Avatar
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    My concern is ignoring the statistics of illnesses and deaths resulting from shutdown isolation.

    1. Depression and Suicide
    2. Domestic violence
    3. Lack of preventative medical care.
    4. Effects on children. (Isolation, Lack of proper learning, reduced social development, depression, hunger.)
    5. Loss of income by parents who can't afford childcare.

    These go under, or not reported at all. And, I am sure there are more items that could be added to the list.

    So.....given all of that, which is the lesser of two evils? Just saying.....
    Ask about any of my past encounters.

    Rudeness is the weak persons imitation of strength. Eric Hoffer

    Supporting selfish people is a waste of time and energy! They will always find an excuse to blame you for their own mistakes!
    ― Lily Amis

    As you proceed through life, following your own path, birds will shit on you. Dont bother to brush it off. Getting a comedic view of your situation gives you spiritual distance. Having a sense of humor saves you.

  5. #5
    Verified Hobbyist BCD mathguy's Avatar
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    ^ Exactly buddy

  6. #6
    Registered Male (Not Verified)
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    Quote Originally Posted by mathguy View Post
    I don't want people to keep doing stuff like that and putting it out there, wah wah omg the news said the sky is falling, and then trying to censor the logical camp, the scientists; those of us who have the data *and* most importantly can interpret it.
    Yeah... blah.. blah.. blah... Broken fucking record. Are you getting paid to post this stuff?

    You keep posting stats showing everything is normal, but I don't recall morgues overflowing and hospitals bringing in refrigerated trucks to hold the dead being a common thing. Your hospital stats don't factor for elective surgeries not happening now, so they are not a valid comparison.

    You say people don't die from Covid, it's a co-morbidity problem. Dead is fucking dead. It's probable that people had other issues that were manageable through medication. But then they get Covid, and they are toast - leaving tens of thousands in medical bills. Or maybe they survive and have $30k in medical bills, and are screwed for a few years.

    You lament children dying because they aren't getting their school lunches. Cite some stats. You claim the effects of people being careful is causing deaths for other reasons. Cite some stats.

    I don't understand why you are on this crusade. And why this website is the forum you choose to for it?

    Are you trying to convince yourself? Or just preaching to the chior?

  7. #7
    Verified Hobbyist BCD mathguy's Avatar
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    No more than you get paid to post this garbage above. Dead is dead you're right. And people die of crap everyday. Every day by leaps and bounds beyond covid.

    I am posting the exact opposite of idiots who claim a cold is the end of the world. How is that any different than your version the broken record???

    Btw do some reading. I have posted tons of stats and links to data. If you think there isn't more harm being done by draconian lockdown measures (like risn2occasion pointed out above) then you are just being a fool. Tons of people, both scientists and other professions or groups of people, agree with me and others like me.

    There is plenty of data to prove it. If you honestly want to see it sure I will give you tons. But if you are just going to believe what you believe regardless of the evidence what's the point?

    That said, I post b/c regardless of how many backwoods idiots there are who don't know any better, I and others like me DO get through to those who have a brain. They will then share it with their own personal network (which might include some backwoods idjits) who will believe them b/c they only believe certain people That's how all argumentation works too. Read a book.

    Oh and btw I never said covid doesn't kill "anyone" or even that it hasn't killed a decent number. I never said that. Again, only smart people can interpret the data. My audience is not your lot.

    I post this and other arguments everywhere btw. Not just here. A hobby board is extremely relevant to the covid issue. That's another reason for taking time to post here. Again, the fools like you and others who will never be convinced, even when it's in your face, are not my audience. But maybe, just maybe, I get some of those with brains and they spread it to your lot. You and others like you honestly remind me of my dad. No joke. As much as it pains me to say it he's the biggest idiot in the world when it comes to the talking heads on TV, the daily news, and this virus. I'm so glad I got my brains from elsewhere. Sheesh.

    You asked. I answered. Like it or not that's my answer.

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