Stanky checking in. Hey Big C, where do 'Bama boys post reviews? I have one for a brand new spinner type that just started in the biz.

Short story is go git ya some -- she's the real deal. Here's her site: I'm not pimping, I just don't know where to post the review. Anyone who wants more info can e-mail me at since I don't know how to BC on this new board.. If posting her site in this forum is against the rules, I'm sorry Big C.

As an aside, I was in LA last week and took the opportunity to spend an hour with Kris Kamasutra -- if you live in Mobile and haven't seen this girl yet, you are a blooming idiot. She's kinda hard to schedule 'cause she's M-F/8-5 only, but holy rusted metal Batman, she's worth it.

- stanky