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Thread: View from the Pecos

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Many thanks to the smart people who decided to create an alternate site while the mother site undergoes major reconstruction. Isn't there a TV show that has the same theme: A world is destroyed by aliens and the survivors muddle through time and space looking for a home?

    Well, I do have a gripe. Remember that famous cartoon from the New Yorker, "View of the World from 9th Avenue"? Here is the link to it: This site makes me think that thirty years later someone is trying to inflict revenge for the implicit insult contained in that 'toon.

    After seeing how the forums are laid out, it seems crystal clear to me that this is Texas centric board with a stilted view about the rest of the country. I mean there is a New York forum and then a generic East Coast forum which covers everything from Maine to Florida and that, my friends, is a long ass drive. Couldn't we have New England, Mid-Atlantic, Southern and Florida forums so that we aren't all glommed together. No one would think of lumping Dallas with Austin, would they, so why should D.C. be lumped with Boston or New Haven. Do you see my point?

    All of this bickering may mean little since, just like on ASPD, there is little East Coast content and participation, but I thought I would vent and let you know that some of us are on the alert for Texas parochialism.

    Hope y'all have a great Valentine's day.


  2. #2
    Just on casual look-over, I think this forum software sorts forums by popularity. So the forums with the most posts filter to the top.
    Sorry dude. Guess you Yankees are just gonna have to grow a pair.
    Chillin' on the porch.

  3. #3
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Monk Rasputin's Avatar
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    AUS, SVO
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Awl4knot @ Feb 14 2009, 03:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
    ... some of us are on the alert for Texas parochialism.[/b]
    I remember that New Yorker cover. They still sell reprints of it. Reminds me of this old postcard. Folks here still see Texas that like. “Texas,” they say, “It’s a whole ‘nuther country.”

    I am big fan of yours, A4K. (Many of the readers may not know that down here in central Texas, he is known to some as the “Terror of Tenafly” or the “Hellion of Hoboken.” He tears up that Jersey board. He defined “carnal,” and I have respect for him. (Grudging respect, however, as he is likely to boink Jaqi before I will.) A4K is an honorary Austin monger, and my friend.)

    A4K, your point is well taken. Home 2’s configuration is indeed skewed. But it’s not because of parochialism, but because of limited resources and crisis conditions. It follows the action, as you yourself pointed out. The architecture has changed several times in the short time I’ve been member, and I expect it will continue to do so to reflect changing levels of participation and interest.

    ASPD leans southward, toward Texas. Just happens that way. Like fast food places or supermarkets. Up there, you got your Friendly’s, down here we got Sonic. Up there, you got your A&P, down here we got HEB. You got tomato pie, we got Frito pie. You got lobster rolls, we got sausage wraps. (Very unfair, that last one.) Same thing with playboards. Down here we got ASPD, up there you got… hell, I don’t know what you got… I’m Texo-Euro-centric. (Okay, okay, parochial….)

    Bubba Monk
    Живи и жить давай другим
    “Live and let live”

  4. #4
    Verified Hobbyist BCD MrGiz's Avatar
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Monk Rasputin @ Feb 15 2009, 08:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
    I remember that New Yorker cover. They still sell reprints of it. Reminds me of this old postcard. Folks here still see Texas that like. “Texas,” they say, “It’s a whole ‘nuther country.”

    I am big fan of yours, A4K. (Many of the readers may not know that down here in central Texas, he is known to some as the “Terror of Tenafly” or the “Hellion of Hoboken.” He tears up that Jersey board. He defined “carnal,” and I have respect for him. (Grudging respect, however, as he is likely to boink Jaqi before I will.) A4K is an honorary Austin monger, and my friend.)

    A4K, your point is well taken. Home 2’s configuration is indeed skewed. But it’s not because of parochialism, but because of limited resources and crisis conditions. It follows the action, as you yourself pointed out. The architecture has changed several times in the short time I’ve been member, and I expect it will continue to do so to reflect changing levels of participation and interest.

    ASPD leans southward, toward Texas. Just happens that way. Like fast food places or supermarkets. Up there, you got your Friendly’s, down here we got Sonic. Up there, you got your A&P, down here we got HEB. You got tomato pie, we got Frito pie. You got lobster rolls, we got sausage wraps. (Very unfair, that last one.) Same thing with playboards. Down here we got ASPD, up there you got… hell, I don’t know what you got… I’m Texo-Euro-centric. (Okay, okay, parochial….)

    Bubba Monk[/b]
    ​Life is Tough. It's even tougher when you're stupid!

  5. #5
    Verified Hobbyist BCD MrGiz's Avatar
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    ONLY problem I have is.... if it weren&#39;t for certain group of dumb phucks in a certain SE TEXAS city.... this URL wouldn&#39;t even have to exist!!

    ​Life is Tough. It's even tougher when you're stupid!

  6. #6
    Verified Hobbyist BCD MrGiz's Avatar
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    ONLY problem I have is.... if it weren&#39;t for certain group of dumb phucks in a certain SE TEXAS city.... this URL wouldn&#39;t even have to exist!!
    Ahhhh... well it&#39;s nice to see, we have the same "ease of double posting" feature in place! :D


    ​Life is Tough. It's even tougher when you're stupid!

  7. #7
    BDougherty's Avatar
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    LR, AR
    Welcome Giz! Wondered how long it would be before you came on in here!

    The post card is TFF!!!


  8. #8
    devo's Avatar
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    Rather than belabor the problems from the past, look at this as an opportunity to start over, your forums usually grow from the effort the members put into it.

    Pittsburgh is a hobby WASTELAND, and, because it was an area ignored by the rest of the large sites, our forum there was one of the most active.

    I don&#39;t deny we went through our own fight for independence from Texas Staff, but, once locals were given the reigns, we never looked back, or held grudges.

    The problem is, that your local staff has to be available multiple times per day, and SOMEONE must want to do it. Rather than pay for BCD, or write reviews, I do the scut work that it takes to keep a local forum running.

    Rather than bitch about it, step in and help out, a good local forum just doesn&#39;t happen, unless some people take the time to nurture it and care for it.

  9. #9
    Administrator ck1942's Avatar
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    Always searching for UTR redheads, hot chocolattes & my next cuppa purrfect java
    Well, to specifically address the um, "geographical" issues here and not the NY or the Calif. or the Texan biases, etc.

    Home2 as a temporary resting place for ASPD-ers in general (well, in particular Providers and BCD members anyhow) is almost an afterthought.

    Due to "local" conditions in some Texas cities vis-a-vis in particular those who attend meet & greets (we call &#39;em "Socials") HOME2 was created in mid-January as an adjunct for the main board -- a place where the meet and greeters could gather while the board was hiccuping and also to offer the M&G folks a bit more privacy than the public spaces there.

    And then when the board was crashed, our ready place expanded for other folks to start gathering.

    With the "local" conditions in mind at the beginning, we created only Texas forums in the main and added the rest as the conditions dictated. HOME2 intent is still the same, but staff felt it appropriate to help ASPD-ers get over the shock of sudden withdrawal (not a sexual situation, mind you) and help keep the community together until The Return.

    For those with long memories, the Crash of &#39;05 lasted way too long (we are almost at that point now) and the blank out then was excruciating even with limited Yahoo and other communication stop gaps in place.

    Lets hope that the Blank Out of &#39;09 is resolved soon and we can get the community restored to business as usual.

    Meanwhile... we are here in an even tinier corner of the worldwide web than our usual spot, but we are still here nonetheless. And, fwiw, the entire aspd data base is still intact and will be available when it&#39;s time.
    LINK! oh2 current situation report

    In these trying times, your patience and support are greatly appreciated. Stay safe out there!

    = = = = =

    Beating the review template gremlin! LINK for hobbyists


    FAQ: OH2's RULES! A Quick Read

    2024 Austin/San Antonio Meet & Greets
    San Antonio - cancelled- new dates TBA


    Ladies, please note:
    ck1942 doesn't vouch for hobbyists.
    -- "Verified hobbyist" is only a title; he should always be screened/vouched
    -- Very aware hobbyists always start a contact process by sending a PM before sending any texts!

  10. #10
    Hardhat644's Avatar
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (ck1942 @ Feb 20 2009, 08:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
    Well, to specifically address the um, "geographical" issues here and not the NY or the Calif. or the Texan biases, etc.

    Home2 as a temporary resting place for ASPD-ers in general (well, in particular Providers and BCD members anyhow) is almost an afterthought.

    Due to "local" conditions in some Texas cities vis-a-vis in particular those who attend meet & greets (we call &#39;em "Socials") HOME2 was created in mid-January as an adjunct for the main board -- a place where the meet and greeters could gather while the board was hiccuping and also to offer the M&G folks a bit more privacy than the public spaces there.

    And then when the board was crashed, our ready place expanded for other folks to start gathering.

    With the "local" conditions in mind at the beginning, we created only Texas forums in the main and added the rest as the conditions dictated. HOME2 intent is still the same, but staff felt it appropriate to help ASPD-ers get over the shock of sudden withdrawal (not a sexual situation, mind you) and help keep the community together until The Return.

    For those with long memories, the Crash of &#39;05 lasted way too long (we are almost at that point now) and the blank out then was excruciating even with limited Yahoo and other communication stop gaps in place.

    Lets hope that the Blank Out of &#39;09 is resolved soon and we can get the community restored to business as usual.

    Meanwhile... we are here in an even tinier corner of the worldwide web than our usual spot, but we are still here nonetheless. And, fwiw, the entire aspd data base is still intact and will be available when it&#39;s time.[/b]
    My two cents-
    I for one appreciate this place. It lets us still gather info from each other and hopefully allows us to spend our hard earned dollars well. I could give a rats ass whose forum is at the top! Thanks CK


  11. #11
    Figuring It Out Anonone's Avatar
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    I used to think Texas was big, until I spent some time in Alaska:

    I don&#39;t think anything nefarious is going on, ASPD is just more popular down there. I could be wrong, but didn&#39;t this board start down there? Some of us are trying to get more folks from up here to get more involved. It will take time.

    Personally I like the southern influence found here. Everyone is much more polite and cordial. There is another board that I won&#39;t name that is very popular in the Midwest, but it is also a haven for imbeciles and jerks. Unlike this place, it had become very clique oriented and the social caste system has replaced the original purpose of the board--to enhance the hobby for both the provider and the hobbyist. Yeah, sure, I have some bitter grapes going on, but some of you know what I am talking about.

    I think the influence of Texas is a good thing!
    There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable.
    - Mark Twain

    Click here to explore a few forbidden things!

  12. #12
    devo's Avatar
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    Hell, they still execute retards in Texas, thats gotta count pretty high on the "Politically Incorrect" scale doesn&#39;t it?

    (OMG, Devo, I can&#39;t believe you just said...err..typed that!!!!)

    The rest of the country just ELECTED one.....

    (OMG, Devo, I can&#39;t believe you just said....errrrr...typed that!!!!!)

    And Sarah just popped another one out!!!!!!

    (HOLY FUCK Devo, I REALLY can&#39;t believe you even went there in ANY manner!!!!)

    Whether we be from "Flyover country" or east coast, or west coast, we all share one thing in common, *****mongering, and the pursuit of illicit pleasures that are frowned upon by the rest of society.

    Welcome, and join all the rest of the groups whose individual wants are inhibited on a daily basis by people, from above, who have no reason sticking their noses into any free persons private matters.

    Vive la liberte.....and long live ASPD, whether its in its present form, or in the next form it takes.

    Shaa..yeah, those ARE Lindsay Lohans tits, what a country we live in............

  13. #13
    Registered Male (Not Verified) txsacker's Avatar
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    Devo, you are wrong, darn it. They don&#39;t let us execute yankees any more......

    JK I am actually a Chicagoan
    "Pardonnez a mes levres car elles trouvent de la joie dans les lieux les plus etranges."
    (Pardon my lips, they find pleasure in unusual places.)

  14. #14

    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    I tried my darnedest (sp?) to activate the Philadelphia and New Jersey forums and got no where. has an active following in these areas and it is unlikely that the currently dormant board will ever have traction in those areas.


    You ole shutterbug, thanks for response and you certainly are right that lobster rolls beat sausage rolls. The last one I had in Cambridge this past summer was 23 frikkin&#39; dollars!! but I think the lobster roll is the highest and best use of lobster (but I haven&#39;t had it poached in butter). I even had one in a McDonald&#39;s in Vermont about 15 years ago. I mean, who could pass up the experience of having a lobster roll at McDonald&#39;s? It wasn&#39;t bad for $3.95. In fact lobster rolls play an important part in my hobbying shtick, but that&#39;s another thread.

    But I want to give you and your Texas cohorts a culinary payback that has been described as a "riff on the Texas Tommy." It&#39;s a sandwich called the "Tuscan Tony" comprised of a grilled hot dog with grilled salami (I used soppresatta), aged Provolone cheese, and, check this out, Bolognese sauce, all on an Italian or Portugese roll. I now have two quarts of home- made Bolognese sauce and six hot dogs so I may have to make lasagna.

    See, we all can get along, can&#39;t we?

    P.S. Noraqi Jaqi was manning the fort this week but I couldn&#39;t pull the trigger because of scheduling issues. Damn it.


  15. #15
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Monk Rasputin's Avatar
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    AUS, SVO
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Awl4knot @ Feb 28 2009, 11:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
    But I want to give you and your Texas cohorts a culinary payback that has been described as a "riff on the Texas Tommy." It&#39;s a sandwich called the "Tuscan Tony" comprised of a grilled hot dog with grilled salami (I used soppresatta), aged Provolone cheese, and, check this out, Bolognese sauce, all on an Italian or Portugese roll.[/b]
    Mama mia, that&#39;s a spicy meat-a-ball! Just thinking about it makes my arteries harden...

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Awl4knot @ Feb 28 2009, 11:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
    P.S. Noraqi Jaqi was manning the fort this week but I couldn&#39;t pull the trigger because of scheduling issues. Damn it.[/b]
    Mama mia, that&#39;s a spicy meat-a-ball! Just thinking about it makes my soppresatta stiffen... my tongue, too.

    Живи и жить давай другим
    “Live and let live”

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