Zebra is on his way to heaven. He comes up to St. Peter and the Pearly gates, Zebra asks St. Peter, "Hey St. Peter, what am I? A white horse with black stripes, or black horse with white stripes?"
St. Peter says, "Why dont you go in and ask the Big Man, hes in there."
Zebra walks up to God and asks him, "Hey God, what am I? White horse with black stripes, or black horse with white stripes?"
God tells him, "You are who you are!"
Zebra turns in confusion and walks out. On his way out St. Peter asks him, "Hey Zebra, what did He tell you?"
"Says you are who you are!"
St. Peter, "Oh well guess that makes you a white horse with black stripes."
Zebra, "Why do you say that?"
St. Peter, "Well if you were a black horse with white stripes, He would've said 'You Is Who You Is!"
