
Come relax and enjoy my sensual escape from the mundane world for a while. Prepare to relax with a massage that makes you feel as if you are in a trance, where physical boundaries dissolve, time disappears, worries and problems no longer seem important, or are forgotten altogether

Imagine yourself being disrobed and lead to a warm drawn bath within the soft glow of scented candlelight. A bath and massage to relax you in a place where I will soothe and lavish you from head to toe. A bath and massage given with the utmost care attended upon every inch of your aching body, particularly those often neglected areas that need to be lovingly attended too. . .

I am a lady for the massage enthusiast who is looking for a more comforting and caring approach to massage. As a therapist I believe massage is an intimate art that should br given with the utmost tender loving care.


Tantra Massage: is a light, sensual, metaphysically based massage and offers practitioners of tantra the opportunity to experience a journey of the senses. Be aware of all your senses as Universal energy is meditatively converged throughout the energy centers (chakras) of the body to unite and harmonize the body and Spirit as One.

Sacred Art of Tantra
Enhance your relationship, vitality and prolong your pleasure.
Read more here:

<div align='center'>Enlightenment, Pure Bliss and Sensual Healing

The Ultimate in Complete Full Body Relaxation</span>

Phone: 281 793 3089 9am -6pm TEXT
Schedule: NW Houston Hours: M-F 9:00am - 9pm Saturday & Sunday 1pm -7pm
Area(s): NW Houston Private Upscale Incall
Incall/Outcall: Incall
Available For: Men

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