I think a lady is selling herself short if she doesn't give older guys a shot. It can truly be life changing if you're a good listener and have a willingness to learn and take advice. They have a plethora of real world experience. I credit my silver foxes with my newfound financial security.
I come from hard-working immigrant parents with no education who did manual labor their entire lives. They had no knowledge to share about 401ks, stocks, savings bonds, etc. I was never taught that in school. I had no friends, family members, or neighbors who possessed any knowledge of the sort.
So basically, I've been blessed to have some wonderful older gents who have given me solid financial advice to prepare for the future. I recently invested in a local start-up company and couldn't be more excited. I have good credit for the first time in my life. And am well on my way to having my student loans paid off by next year. I could not have accomplished this without them!!!