I don't think a lot of folks know about the site. Unless they're further South.

It would help if ladies linked Home2 in their Ads on other sites and or on their personal websites.
It would lend to guys knowing about & utilizing this site.

As one who resides in Mississippi. Seems folks are still hugging Eccie..rather than venturing out to more useful hobby sites.


Quote Originally Posted by Basscat View Post
Hey fellow poon aficionados. Since hardly anyone is migrating over to this board, which is obviously much better suited for its intended purpose than eccie I might add. Those of us that are here need to make it a point to support the ladies who do use it. I see where KiKi and her gorgeous rack posted an add. Any of you coast dawgs who can breakfree on the days she is hosting should really try and see her. I know I am going to.