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Thread: aren’t incalls more risky tho

  1. #16
    Registered Male (Not Verified) Westley's Avatar
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    Certains d'entre vous sont tetus comme diable! C'est bon quand meme. J'ai encore de l'amour pour vous tous vixen fougueux. Vous savez qui vous etes! people are the incall. Let's go with that assumption as fact! Would that not mean counter-measures or contingency plans are needed to change risky behaviors by people at the incall location.....know? Is that not known in the business world as a risk assessment? The intent being to mitigate potential the incall? Change my mind!
    Last edited by Westley; 09-07-2019 at 10:53 AM.
    "Love all, Trust few and Do harm to none" - William Shakespeare

    I prefer the company of a lady that is "AA" friendly.

    Bons Temps Rouler!

  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lovinglifeinaustin View Post
    Incalls aren’t risky. People are risky.
    Real answer dwarfs others by comparison my love
    you embarrassing the Google grabbing, paste & copy Sirius translator
    A mind of a thousand intelligent men brings me to ahhhhh orgasm

  3. #18
    Registered Male (Not Verified) Westley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Universal View Post
    Real answer dwarfs others by comparison my love
    you embarrassing the Google grabbing, paste & copy Sirius translator
    A mind of a thousand intelligent men brings me to ahhhhh orgasm

    Really! Ok, so you and others still mad. I get that. I did apologize. Moreover, in my defense....I did warn you about my alledged superpower. Yes-My French is a little rusty...Alright, a lot rusty. But no need to be rude or petty. I was as just trying to help. Just so you know....I don't embarass easily at all. You do know you always welcome to PM me as gfejunkie has suggested if you like...or not! I mean it's not like I'm going to bite you...hard....anyways. One's emotions and words can betray! I operate on the principle that emotionally derived business or personal decisions are rarely effective or cost-efficient....Just my opinion and nothing you have posted so far has changed my mind.

    William Congreve-"Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned"

    Mr. Congreve's words not mine. Please, let's us not summon gfejunkie to the threads again! It will not go well for me. I'm trying to behave!
    Last edited by Westley; 09-07-2019 at 06:54 PM.
    "Love all, Trust few and Do harm to none" - William Shakespeare

    I prefer the company of a lady that is "AA" friendly.

    Bons Temps Rouler!

  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by MsRogueSA View Post
    .....and this is why i've never done QV's or have traffic going in and out of my place, this is why i keep everything quiet as mouse around here, there's a way to go about things, a way to do things, i may not be bringing in alot of money that maybe i could be, but when it comes to money laundering, those of us on disability...umm would be up shit creek with no paddle with no damn paddle store in sight either, lol...which is ANOTHER reason for the way I screen, because I'm VERY thorough in my screening techinques. one thing is for certain, any hobbiest that I approve, is in a tight niche circle that's pretty damn secure,...lets say this, as secure as i can possibly make it. im always extra extra cautious and is a damn good reason why i don't move, it's cool here, things are "set" so to speak, if i was to move some where else, all these worriees here in these laws, yea i'd be concerned, but where im at, im comfortable and i am VERY thankful for that!

    the way i have things "look''s look like i have a friend that is visiting....simply said, i don't have but a few calls a week or so...enough for me to make it, sorta lol..but i hardly have any traffic at all not high traffic at all, and i kinda like it that way, due to laws, im more flying UTR, than anything really...if i was to be watched, i can tell ya, they'd be bored as fuck lmao
    Awww, Gentle Hugs Luv

  5. #20
    Verified Hobbyist BCD mathguy's Avatar
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    Was Wes being attacked about the French thing? Not sure if you used Google or not, I don't have a clue what it says, not my thing. However, if it's not bad I really don't know why we should attack him. IJS. I don't always agree with Wes, but I do very appreciate that be puts thought into his posts and doesn't jump to being negative instantly upon disagreement. Personally, it's refreshing for me to have someone to debate with, share ideas, etc... even when we disagree, instead of nonstop pointless empty hugs & kisses. Chill people. Just chill. :/

    This not a cheerleader forum; not just this legal section either, the entire board. Everything is fine anyway. So just relax, calm down, chill out. Move on if it's too long or you can't understand someone's logic or hypothesis. There is no need to attack just for the sake of attacking b/c someone chooses to express a large concept.

    Unless someone asks for a pity party, or true help b/c they are feeling suicidal, or severely depressed, then there isn't any point in making empty virtual hugs, promises that don't relate to an OPs question, or simply cheerleading.

    We shouldn't just jump on a pity bandwagon every single time. I feel for women and men both. Anyone who can't see that then I don't know what to say. I don't care anymore either. I'm not here to be a cheerleading section for anyone. Not for anyone. I'm fair to both sexes, I disseminate my ideas the way I want, just as each of you should, I try to do it respectfully, and I rarely ever show my teeth unless someone seriously pisses me off (and that is soooooo rare). Sending hollowed out meaningless "hugs" & "kisses" or various cutesy remarks incessantly while not addressing any OPs question, or derailing any discussion to promote an agenda, like, for example, that we should "pity party for women" (as if the men are not just as important to the women's economic future or that they don't also feel bad, possibly even make their own living in it themselves - wow what a concept righ, that men also have feelings & also make livings in this realm), is frankly about as useless, also shameful, ironically uncaring, and as silly as praying to the sun god, "Ra", for sunlight when it's midnight.

    I don't know what Wes said on the French topic, I haven't bothered to open another window to even translate it, but I think lambasting anyone for promoting thoughtful intelligent debate is vicious & malevolent. It's goes against the entire point of the forum too. :/

    The idea that everything must be a small "sound bite" of wisdom, or a "pity party", or a "cheerleading effort", is quite simply the most asinine, passionless, uninterested notion I could possibly fathom. What in the world gives anyone the idea that you can't be loquacious or passionate about a topic that want to share with others? This isn't Twitter. Anyone want 150 characters or less? Can't read fast enough? Can't digest the content? Then move on. It's as easy as that. Basic human respect.

    Example: If you can't read my post here without becoming "aggravated" by the verbosity, if you even have to look that word up, or any of the other words, *AND* (keyword "and") it bothers you? Move on. Simple. No need to be vitriolic or callous. SMH.

  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phoenixx View Post

    House Bill 2613

    In addition to the new laws in TX, House Bill 2613 makes it a crime
    to operate a stash house to facilitate prostitution or human trafficking

    Will providers who host incall from their residence be affected by this? o.o

    even before this new law, I thought using any establishment to conduct
    prostitution would be an additional penalty for an incall sting
    (plz correct me if I’m wrong)


    you are right Beautiful, gentle Hugs

  7. #22
    Retired Companion
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    Thumbs up yikes.... didn’t intend to turn this into a debate ahhhh

    Quote Originally Posted by Lovinglifeinaustin View Post
    Incalls aren’t risky. People are risky.
    I love folks who keep it simple and to the point............

  8. #23
    Verified Hobbyist BCD mathguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phoenixx View Post
    I love folks who keep it simple and to the point............

    I don't disagree Phoenixx. Sometimes simple is best sweetie. ����

  9. #24
    Registered Male (Not Verified) Westley's Avatar
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    A Case Study

    As a controversial side issue related to the safe operation of an incall consider this operational variable [Race]. Please delete or post in a more appropriate section of the forum if required.

    Your assignment should you chose to accept it is to complete this case study on the impact of race on incall security measures in response to new federal and state laws with a response of 500 words or less. Extra credit for brevity and collegial debate.

    From the vantage point of a service provider keeping an incall location safe via discretion and avoiding unwanted attention how should a service provider address the issue of race. Like it or not America is still a class based society where minorities are disproportionately represented even in the hobby. I conducted a simple experiment on eccie by searching for service providers over 50.

    Using the eccie search feature for service providers by race. Searches for service providers categorized by race resulted in findings that revealed white service providers over the age of 50 were consistently represented displayed in higher numbers on eccie than non-white service providers over the age of 50. Further study might reveal a correlation between racial bias (implicit and explicit) as well as implicit associations in the hobby world. Some service providers have installed policies alledgedly for security purposes perceived as and racist by other hobbyist.

    For example, hypothetically speaking - Two service providers (one white or light skinned and one black or dark skinned) both exceptionally beautiful, poised and well educated (Masters degree in STEM) establish separate but equally richly appointed private incalls in the most luxurious upscale and expensive part of town populated with few black or dark skinned residents. In an effort to leverage youth and porn star experience the service providers charges rates significantly higher the prevailing average. In an attempt to minimize the time and expense of screening clients both providers are not newbie friendly but use a a highly regarded and generally accepted offshore screening tool to conduct client triage.

    Only potential clients with two recent references within the last 30 days and willing to pay a deposit are accepted. Both providers have a no haggling, no African American policy but make exceptions for regular clients who enjoy VIP status and a secret menu to die for.....literally. Both providers defend their no African American policy as personal preference. Moreover, the presence of black but affluent professional men in the upscale neighborhood still attracts the unwanted attention of highly visible roving police patrols.

    1. In your opinion are either of the service providers racists? Yes or No.

    2. Is the no AA policy racist or a valid incall security measure for the operating environment? Please explain in 500 (English) words or less.

    Please don't keep an old man waiting!
    "Love all, Trust few and Do harm to none" - William Shakespeare

    I prefer the company of a lady that is "AA" friendly.

    Bons Temps Rouler!

  10. #25
    Registered Male (Not Verified) Westley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mathguy View Post
    I don't disagree Phoenixx. Sometimes simple is best sweetie. ����
    Sometimes....more like almost always.....simplistic one size fits all approaches to complex societal challenges rarely work out. For example, simplistic solutions like a one size fits all blanket prohibitions on alcohol, gambling and sex work have all consistently failed historically. The war on drugs....well that is a iconic failure of epic proportion. What happened to innovation and thinking outside the box? Personally, I love evidence based and empirically sound solutions that can be employed with a high level of confidence while creating minimum undesirable consequences. I also love collegial debate and flirting!
    "Love all, Trust few and Do harm to none" - William Shakespeare

    I prefer the company of a lady that is "AA" friendly.

    Bons Temps Rouler!

  11. #26
    Retired Companion
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    Then, there’s this asshole..


    pretty please, Mods. thanks xoxo

  12. #27
    Guide Chihuahua on hiatus (retired)
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    Many interesting opinions expressed. However, since this seemed to have meandered from the original discussion regarding the legality of incalls per House Bill 2613, and the OP has requested that the thread be rested, making it so. -- FIH/staff
    Last edited by Fancyinheels; 09-08-2019 at 11:07 AM.

  13. #28
    Administrator ck1942's Avatar
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    The reality (according to ck1942):

    If the LEO is intent on making a bust, won't matter if it is an incall or an outcall; apartment vs. hotel vs. resident.

    LINK! oh2 current situation report

    In these trying times, your patience and support are greatly appreciated. Stay safe out there!

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    San Antonio - cancelled- new dates TBA


    Ladies, please note:
    ck1942 doesn't vouch for hobbyists.
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    -- Very aware hobbyists always start a contact process by sending a PM before sending any texts!

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