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Thread: Condom Broke & He did BAREBACK

  1. #16
    Registered Male (Not Verified)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lovinglifeinaustin View Post
    I beg to differ please.

    I consider myself a gentleman to every woman I meet. I hope they agree.

    I have had several wardrobe mishaps. There were times when our condom came off or broke and I knew it and stopped. But there have also been times when I didn’t know it it until festivities were complete. It’s difficult for some men to tell.

    As for those who believe that wearing a condom adversely affects their pleasure, consider this article.
    Just to add on to what you're saying, I'm uncircumsized and even in a condom the end of my dick is rubbing against skin most of the time. Depending on just how hard I am, or just how much precum there is, or how lubricated the lady is, I legitimately cannot tell when it happens as I'm getting almost the exact same sensations. I've had only three wardrobe malfunctions my entire life, and I never noticed until afterwards in each case. Not to say that there aren't scumbags out there that notice and just keep going, etc., just giving my 2 cents about how it's not the same for everyone and you can't always tell immediately.

  2. #17
    Verified Hobbyist BCD mathguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anna Nikkole View Post
    It doesn't happen often, but as little as it has happened you would have more risk going to a night club and fucking raw in the bathroom (a sad often occurrence). I just try to keep in mind of the numbers game, the chances etc. But in all reality it takes only once.
    One of the smartest remarks thus far! It does only take once. Very true, like Anna said at the bottom. However, the reality is that you likely have far more chance getting a horrible STD (i.e. hiv) fucking without a condom after meeting people at the club, on a first date, after a night out drinking with a girlfriend/guy friend, partying, etc....

    The fact is most people in the "civvy" world spread STDs at a rate likely higher than most any hobbyist community. But yea it only takes once. Soooo, be careful people Both sexes. Use a bit more discrimination and discretion in who you have sex with even if it is for money after all. ijs

  3. #18
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    The more reasons for everyone to have a extra layer of protection and get PRep whether you are a man or woman. I am taking every precaution available and will keep y'all posted

  4. #19
    Verified Companion Companion JessieJane's Avatar
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    I'm not trusting any man with my safety. I have a stock of these.

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  5. #20
    Verified Companion Companion Anna Nikkole's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Universal View Post
    The more reasons for everyone to have a extra layer of protection and get PRep whether you are a man or woman. I am taking every precaution available and will keep y'all posted
    How much are these? I'm not really full time and i like to think I'm picky but what is this day and age you never know. Maybe if this is affordable more providers would use it. If health coverage covers it, what is full pharmacy price for someone wanting to pay cash??

    And MathGuy thanks so much sweetheart. I try to think logic to keep my sanity if such a thing happens. Because in reality it's gonna happen!


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  6. #21
    Verified Companion lovelyxxxo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anna Nikkole View Post
    How much are these? I'm not really full time and i like to think I'm picky but what is this day and age you never know. Maybe if this is affordable more providers would use it. If health coverage covers it, what is full pharmacy price for someone wanting to pay cash??

    And MathGuy thanks so much sweetheart. I try to think logic to keep my sanity if such a thing happens. Because in reality it's gonna happen!
    paying cash price 1200 to 1500 a months supply
    However if you get a prescription from your dr. you can actually go on the truvada website gilead advance acess program provides (if you tax recoed income meets requirments,yes they run a credit check) a free 0 dollar copay card so you get rx for free...
    *i just found this out last night,as ive always had medical ins.*

    but you do still have to pay for your dr. visit, hiv testing and std check before the dr. can legally give you the rx.

    and also they have a PeP rx. (this would be a good rx for any lady or male who has had a accident within the last 72 hrs which may have made them exposed to the virus (basically think plan b for hiv exposure)
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  7. #22
    Verified Hobbyist BCD mathguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anna Nikkole View Post
    How much are these? I'm not really full time and i like to think I'm picky but what is this day and age you never know. Maybe if this is affordable more providers would use it. If health coverage covers it, what is full pharmacy price for someone wanting to pay cash??

    And MathGuy thanks so much sweetheart. I try to think logic to keep my sanity if such a thing happens. Because in reality it's gonna happen!
    Yvw Anna! ;) I meant it! You can't 100% protect against HIV, not without abstinence, but the risk is quite low, so people need to keep a level head like you mentioned when/if those momentary incidents occur.

    Realize that even for a woman the chances without a condom are .08% (or .0008). That means 1 in 1,250 exposures to an infected person, or 1,250 different infected people, a woman would acquire it once on average.
    For men the rate is 1 in 2,500 exposures or .04% (or .0004, otherwise known, 4 ten thousands's roughly 4 men exposed 10,000 times to actively infected hiv carriers would end up getting it).

    As Caroline (lovelyxxxo) said earlier all the women in the business should be on PreP. You should try your best to get on it if at all possible. You also need to use it daily or you reduce the efficacy quite dramatically. It is *the* best and most effective method at preventing HIV transfer bar none (except abstinence). Nothing comes close. Not even condoms (though you should use them in combination).

    The deal with condoms is that they have issues with breakage, wrong sizing, slips, mishaps, incorrect placement, application, use of petroleum lubricants, etc... Technically speaking a latex condom, so long as you don't use petroleum products (oils), is impermeable to the HIV virus. "Technically". That's the big issue. The "technically" part. It's a huge matter of concern due to all those variables previously listed (among others). In normal practice through many studies (you can find tons online) the CDC has arrived at a number they list at an overall reduction of ~80% when using condoms correctly for transmitting HIV. Some studies and resources will bring that number down to only a 70% reduction.

    PreP though, if taken correctly, and every day (very important), can reduce the chances of HIV by a whopping 99% (even with an infected partner having regular daily sex). Combine with a condom properly used? Nil. <---- you want this

    The number for PreP can range from as low as ~92% up to ~99% for PreP but even the CDC's latest reporting lists it at up to 99% effective.
    Best case scenario, like very best case, for a condom in general use, is around 80-85%. Many studies show it closer to 70-75%. In fact, some studies have even shown that when not using condoms correctly, not applying correctly, low quality brands, using oils/jellys that are petro based, among other issues the efficacy can go to near 0% (one study put it at 7.5% reduction over no condom). Another study ended up having no difference between the condom users and non-condom users. They still ended up with the same 1 in 2,500 exposure rate for men or the 1 in 1,250 for women. Still, condoms are extremely helpful in preventing HIV when done correctly and if combined with PreP there is virtually zero danger of HIV (for that matter a small slip here and there, even sex without a condom, you are not gonna get it). Nope.

    Oh, and a healthy vaginal CVM (cervico vaginal mucus) that has a pH of ~3.5 to ~4.5 along with PreP is just an extremely effective barrier for the HIV virus. You already have almost nil chance in that case (like very healthy CVM + PreP usage), particularly if you are not completely indiscriminate or having massive numbers of partners. Combined with a condom (proper usage of course or else efficacy can drop to near 0% or single digits), PreP, and a healthy CVM, you would have more chance being hit by lightning twice than you do of getting HIV.

    This is also why I would advise all women to get a home vaginal pH monitoring kit. You want your pH to as low as possible (acidic not alkaline - you want it acidic).
    A normal vaginal pH is the range 3.5 to 4.5. However if you can get it to <4 that is ideal. At a ph of around 4 or lower it has been shown that the lactobacillus colony of bacteria, your natural vaginal flora, which produces the lactic acid environment by metabolizing glucose, can nullify the surface charge of HIV cells rendering them ineffective/dead. Your vaginal pH and health is extremely important to fighting off many STD's not just HIV. You should not have an alkaline pH above 4.5 in your CVM. You can get kits online or stores to test your pH. If you feel itching, burning, any crusting, discharge that is not clear or egg white colored (like a green or yellowish mucus discharge), or you smell your fingers and it has a repugnant odor (not the normal odor, a foul smell) then these are all signs that your vaginal pH is out of balance and you are likely on your way to a yeast infection, vaginal bacteriosis, etc... You should definitely check your pH at that point and/or speak to your OB.

    *DO NOT wash inside your vagina. Ever.* You really don't even want to put water in there. (I know many women will know this, of course, but there are some that don't, never learned about it, whatever, so I like to spread the info to help as many as possible)

    If you must wash in it or you feel you need to "clean it out" (b/c of the hobby or just a psychological issue) then use only mild water, no soap, no cleaner, nothing, just water, and don't overdo it. The vagina is a self cleaning mechanism. It does not need any chemicals in it. It will discharge what shouldn't be in there. That's what your vaginal flora does. That's what the natural moisture is throughout the day. It's also CVM coming out in the form of lactic acid along with other byproducts and water from the body. This is great b/c this means you have a healthy lactobacillus colony which are feeding off glucose that comes from endothelial cells in your vaginal lining. You also want to make sure you don't have any glucose disorders and eat enough fruit and carbs that your body is well fed with the supply needed for your vaginal health. If you put soap in your vagina you are putting an alkaline chemical in you that is going to potentially terribly upset the pH of your system. Soap is usually 8, 9, or even 10 pH. It can really fuck up your vaginal health (obviously each person is different, genetics, diet, etc... but you don't want to do that). Water only if anything at all. This is so important b/c it's incredibly important to fighting STD transmission. Tons of STD's simply cannot survive the lactic acid environment if you have a healthy CVM mixture.

    I would absolutely discuss any particular issues with your OBGYN if you are diabetic and how this may affect your vaginal health. That's something I just thought of and to be honest I'm not really sure of the effects. But b/c glucose is responsible for feeding the vaginal colony I would highly suspect that various forms of diabetes "could" cause issues. So definitely something to consider when speaking to your OB.

    Disclaimer: Nothing I say above is reason or excuse to play with fire. I do not promote or endorse any idea of indiscriminately engaging in sexual acts without full protection. I'm simply putting the data out here, as I typically do, to help put things in perspective, allow people to not freak out if an accident occurs. Another thing to realize is that those numbers above are for completely sexual encounters, not a brief mishap (the numbers get astronomically lower if it's just a brief slip - again, no reason to play with fire, but something to keep in mind, a small slip is far from the stats above and a much lower probability of something transferring).

    Additional Notes: The data above applies to vaginal sex. Oral sex is very low risk and not worth mention. There is a teeny tiny risk from 0% to .04% (1 in 2,500 exposures) for a woman giving oral to a man but it's based on the conditions. However with PreP? Totally nil. No reason to even be concerned at all. Now anal sex is something that is far riskier and a different story. It's not quite the rate of transmission of needle users but it is something like 30+ times or more risky than vaginal or oral sex. It's up as high as 2%. Putting that in perspective that means instead of the .0004 or 1 in 2,500 exposures for vaginal sex with an infected person it now becomes 1 in 50 exposures to an infected person gets HIV if they engage in anal sex without protection (PreP, condoms). Wow. Yikes. So be careful if you are going to engage in anal activities. Anything involving blood, small tears, etc... is a perfect vector for HIV.
    Last edited by mathguy; 09-12-2019 at 09:21 PM.

  8. #23
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    did you know that if you live in the Houston area you can apply for gold card and get check out at any Harris county clinic
    everybody needs to be careful

  9. #24
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Warpt's Avatar
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    I have been around for a good while. When I first started, no one wore condoms. The Clap and Crabs were my fear. A shot could take care of one and shampoo took care of the other.
    Once Herpes started making it's rounds, I wrapped that fucking rascal ever since.
    However, there have been a couple busted condoms in the 80's, when there were just 2 brands, one good, one not so good. I felt the condom tickling my balls both times.
    I just removed, washed up and wrapped him up again.
    There was also one time the condom got lost. I busted a nut in the lady and I never knew it until it was over. We both were worried, we washed up best we could. There was an urban legend at that time that said Coke could clean up diseases and kill sperm. So I bought a few from the machine outside. We bathed our body parts in ice cold Coke in hopes of not catching any disease. She even douched with some.
    We never found the condom. It wasn't in the bed, it wasn't in her, it wasn't on the floor. We juat lost it.
    There has been a time that after I busted a nut, it felt so good, I stayed in the lady for too long, basking in the glow... The condom stayed in her and my cock slipped out. No harm, the open end of the condom was sticking out, nothing got in her, nor any of her got on me.

    AND, there have been times when it felt soooo good, I thought it was gone, but after checking, it was still there.

    There will be times that you don't know it's not there and there will be times you know it isn't there. You just have to check if you want to be SAFE.
    No one is perfect.
    I prefer CLEAN, soft, clean, sexually aggressive, mature ladies. I like chocolate just as much as vanilla.

  10. #25
    Verified Hobbyist BCD mathguy's Avatar
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    Help for women getting PreP

    Here is a link to planned parenthood that talks about PreP. It also talks about who should take it, provides a video, where to get it, pay programs, and more.

    Sex workers are explicitly listed as target candidates to take PreP. The PP site claims a 90%+ risk reduction. Other sites say 92%-99%. The CDC I linked in my prior post reports up to 99% with proper daily usage. Daily usage is extremely important to effectiveness. Even condoms are only a 70%-80% risk reduction best case scenario. Considering the already extremely low likelihood in the US (.0004 to .0008 unprotected sex) that's a huge benefit though and makes it extraordinarily unlikely unless you slept with like 10,000+ men (and they would all have to have HIV too heh). However, PreP is even more effective than that. But, yes, it's very expensive without insurance (I read ~$13K/yr range without insurance) There are programs on that link that can help pay for it. It's literally so effective that *if* (hypothetically) you were forced to choose between a condom or PreP you would be massively more protected with only PreP over a condom (but using both is best). Anyway, that is how insanely effective PreP is at blocking HIV transfer (nearing 100% - wow! ). Yup. Read the literature.

    G'luck and careful out there ladies

  11. #26
    Verified Companion Companion JessieJane's Avatar
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    Math.... I know u have good intentions on your posts but... by the time we read your essays.....

    It's like a encyclopedia gone wrong.

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  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by JessieJane View Post
    Math.... I know u have good intentions on your posts but... by the time we read your essays.....

    It's like a encyclopedia gone wrong.
    mood killer in overdrive

  13. #28
    Verified Hobbyist BCD mathguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JessieJane View Post
    Math.... I know u have good intentions on your posts but... by the time we read your essays.....

    It's like a encyclopedia gone wrong.
    Sorry J. My last post mainly a link to PP with comments what you can find there about PreP. Thought it helpful. Sometimes I write an essay or thesis, not always. I think it's real important women try to get on PreP. Helps reduce STD rate dramatically. Far more than condom alone bc it's vastly more effective. I dont mind that you call it an essay luv, it is, but I did that one b/c people have false hopes & vastly incorrect information :/

  14. #29
    Verified Hobbyist BCD mathguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Universal View Post
    mood killer in overdrive
    Uni I don't know is up with you. I still post nice things or in agreement with u. I just did in the Ashley Graham/model thread but you attack constantly. And I've not one clue why. Can you just drop it? Whatever issue you had that began with the TX law threads, whatever I did, whatever it was you believe I did "wrong" (?) can you pls drop it. Pls? I dont even know what is wrong or why. You don't need to remark negatively on every thread now :/

  15. #30
    Verified Companion Companion JessieJane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mathguy View Post
    Uni I don't know is up with you. I still post nice things or in agreement with u. I just did in the Ashley Graham/model thread but you attack constantly. And I've not one clue why. Can you just drop it? Whatever issue you had that began with the TX law threads, whatever I did, whatever it was you believe I did "wrong" (?) can you pls drop it. Pls? I dont even know what is wrong or why. You don't need to remark negatively on every thread now :/

    Hey get a room already.....

    Also maybe MEN should consider stop trying bb acts.
    Less risky behaviors. A natural PP. Just a thought... minus the thesis.
    Btw PPrep is for both sexes. These men and their fake 'documents " they try to use to persuade ladies with.... lol they should be looking out for the health of their wanker if you ask me. Lol. Just like this bbbj craze lol. Please !! Of course men say its harmless..... I'm sit back and await the reply that one lmao. Then I'm present the facts.
    Last edited by JessieJane; 09-13-2019 at 09:10 PM.

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