Just adding my two cents. YMMV... start slow and easy. After a long break, I started back into regular, consistent exercise through the "Walk with Ease" program. From there, I progressed back into a walk/run routine and gentle yoga. Added weight-bearing program (body weight exercises to start, then progressed to actual weights). My favorite program uses sandbags; one of the hardest programs that I like as it combines aerobic and weights in one.

Some sites that I find helpful:
American Council on Exercise - blog and exercise library: https://www.acefitness.org/education...ercise-library
DAREBEE - https://darebee.com/. Lots of ideas here. Great for exploring and trying something new.

In the end, do what feels right to you.

I deal with a lot of chronic pain and the best thing that I've done is to get up and move. It sucks and there are days where I fail (and feel) miserably. When I'm consistent and listen to my body, things are better.

I'm on a fairly strict dairy and gluten free diet. Paleo is the best for me. There are so many good resources Internet-wise. Again, IMHO, eat what feels right for you.

If you have any other questions, please PM me.
Best regards,