I’ve found that being quiet can be good!
It keeps the drama away!
But sometimes my big mouth can’t stay quiet!
Ive gone periods where I’ve been quiet and gentlemen think I’ve disappeared!
It does seem however that when I first started I was so busy and I stayed active on the boards! I had more clientele!
Then you deal with so much crap and drama! If you say something stupid, you’re attacked by all sides! Lol! Sometimes it seems like people wait for any chance they get to attack you! Belittle you, to try and screw with your business! So here’s a question for everyone!

Why, when there’s so many wonderful people out here, enough to go around, do some find it necessary to put others down? Is it a way to try to get others to not want to see the lady? Is it a power trip, fueled by their need to feel superior?

I am no ones competition, i am just me!