Quote Originally Posted by mathguy View Post
Best investment I ever made for any of my knives (kitchen, utility/pocket, lawn blades/tools).

Ken Onion Professional Knife Sharpening Tool

This is an amazing knife sharpening tool. I got mine at Bass Pro Shops but you can get it at Cabela's as well. You can also find it on Amazon or many other online retailers. I believe I paid $150 for mine.

There's also a "base" model that has a few less options for ~$79. It's really the *only* sharpening tool I've used over the years, after trying many, that actually gets kitchen blades back to razor sharpness (or however sharp you desire). You can also sharpen lawn and garden blade tools, scissors, and so on.

Other manual and power tools can do it but they take considerable work.

This one uses various grit sandpapers. You set the dial to the proper angle for that knife style (there's a manual to reference) and slide the knife blade quickly through, while pulling the power trigger, and repeat on each side of the blade. It makes it so easy. The various grits hone (or rehone) a blade and refine it effortlessly and perfectly.
MG you're so informative.
what channel are you on? I'm tuning into the MathGuy TV show
and I'm watching every episode! lol

oh, i'll be checking out the 'Ken Onion Professional Knife Sharpening Tool'
