Sometimes less is more.

We all know you meant well, but you have managed to evoke almost every racial epithet in your attempt to show solidarity and empathy. It comes across as gratuitous, and “the lady doth protest too much, methinks.”

I feel you crossed the line a bit in this conversation and showed us some of your own biases. For example: Your comments about black accents and professional communicators, such as television commentators or presidents was a horrible thing to write and betrayed the intelligence you obviously possess and wish to convey.

I agree with you 90% of the time, but that other ten kills me—mostly when you beat a topic to death, resurrect it, nurse it back to health, only to waterboard it a while, then electrocute it, light it on fire, smother it, and at the moment of impending death, inject a shot of adrenaline into its heart before scolding it for not dying already.

I don’t mean any disrespect, and don’t want anyone to add to the redressing, but I think you will find more pleasant conversations here by occasionally giving a little less.