Quote Originally Posted by spanishcandy_ View Post
Just today had a client not see me because i dont dirty talk.. lol i dont have a problem with it but when its my turn to say something my shy switch is turned on. I guess thats my one thing that I save for outside of this hobby... if it was a more personal encounter or someone i see ALOT then no big deal.. but the first few meetings i think i should be allowed to be a little shy. LOL
Everyone performs differently in any circumstance. That's why there is such a thing as "YMMV." I like to think it comes with chemistry though - even if a provider is shy (or a hobbiest, as well), once y'all really click, the dirty talk and the goofing around just happens. Is it something I'd LIKE to have in an appointment? For sure. But I'll totally understand if she has to warm up to me first.