I had not been one to do face shots earlier in life. Much like Loving I thought it was disrespectful. Then I met a woman that loved it and was very disappointed that I didn't do it. We had a very deep conversation and she explained that it was how she wanted to please me and see the fruits of her passion. She also commented that she wanted a strong man and this was a way she saw the man to have that strength. So at her insistence I let her direct my load wherever she wanted one night. It was a sight and a connection that was just different. She was not a submissive so it wasn't that, she just loved at that point to show her desire to please.

I don't do it with everyone but when the connection is right it is great. I have tried it a couple of times on the first visit with a woman from this board but it doesn't have the same intensity as someone I have seen several times.

Just my thoughts.