Welcome to the wickedry!
Seems to be some confusion about the intent of our Welcome Wagon forums, so let's clarify since staff spends an inordinate amount of time editing, removing, relocating, and/or closing threads in violation.
Welcome Wagon forums are not intended for advertising, but are great for "kicking off" your new adventure in our carnal community and letting everyone know you're here!
NEW-to-OH2 members may introduce themselves in their home-base WW forums ONCE only, not repeatedly and not in multiple cities. Incoming providers ARE allowed to include pics and info about their rates and services in their initial city WW posts. (Please be advised that H2 does not HOST explicit imagery, however, so do not upload graphic intimate activity pics to our database. Hotlink them from offsite, please.)
After the ONE inaugural local announcement and while awaiting verification, new companions may respond to requests/ISOs and make general comments (not advertise/solicit) in discussion forums to draw attention their way, and they may utilize their profiles, avatars, and signature lines to share rates, menu, location, and other data. Once a lusty lady becomes a Verified Companion, she should take advantage of the many regular ad forums and STOP promotional posting in the WW.
Verified traveling companions, you ALSO should be using the regular ad sections to inform members of your tour stops/availability in various regions, not the WW forums.
Additionally, new members may introduce themselves in the national WW once. However, companions please take note: Those should be general announcements. Please save the specifics for your city WW intro.
H2 has plenty of appropriate space set aside for daily marketing once companions are verified.
Also, lads and lassies, please note that WW forums aren't review, speculation, discussion, or request/ISO sections. Let's leave those reports/debates/queries for the appropriate areas, please. Okie dokie?
Please be advised that repeat violations in the WW will incur penalties, and may result in restricted posting access.
Much appreciation for your cooperation! -- FIH/staff