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Thread: Have You Heard?

  1. #1
    BANNED - failure to respect community rules-- again!
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    Atttention Have You Heard?


    Take that you SNOW FLAKES!

  2. #2
    Verified Hobbyist BCD DocHoliday's Avatar
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    In a secret, heavliy defended, underground lair somewhere in the OH2 Badlands
    I have heard that a few hundred times!!
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  3. #3
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Precious_b's Avatar
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    Be nice to see the read on the other part of the report.
    Will always PM from this or the other site as initial contact.

    My Huckleberry

  4. #4
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    Well actually there probably is Russia collusion and obstruction in plain site just like they have been saying all along, it’s just one of their own and they are blowing a smoke screen saying it is Trump in order to shift all of the focus and hate that direction when they outright know it is and was Clinton and the DNC who had colluded and politically weaponized the DOJ. How people can not see it is baffling as it is so obvious and they just turn a blind eye.

    I so wish that we the American people could send a bill directly to those who instigated this hoax for our 25-30 million dollars back. And to add to their embarrassment...they demanded that Mueller be allowed to conduct an open investigation for as long as he wanted without any restrictions or specifics of a crime, in order to try and find anything, providing him with unlimited funding and resources, and he was hand selected by the Dems who allowed him to build a team loaded with nothing but Clinton supporting lawyers and FBI bias there. It was their dream team and they found nothing because there was never nothing. So now that their dream team could not make up something or get him for lying about something, or even tax fraud, or getting somebody to sing and make something up, not even Cohen, that they now think Mueller is lying and do not believe that he found nothing. They are so devastated that they are accusing the AG of lying on his summary and to break the law and submit the unredacted report. That is against the law! If you remember back in the 90’s they demanded that same law be enforced for the Starr report...Nadler is on video saying that report had to remain redacted, and today he is on video demanding the AG break the law and release the Mueller report with all to see... the Dems are not above the law! So since Mueller and the dream team, along with AG Barr are all now lying the Dems are now starting their own investigation and are going to spend millions more of our tax dollars! Which by the way is so far out of their oversight scope it should concern everyone to the core! They have lost their minds!

    They republicans, the IG, and now Mueller have investigated and still nothing...

    Trump and all accused should sue them for slander!

    And now they are hooked on this obstruction nonsense! First off how can you obstruct something when there was never nothing there in the first place. They was no collusion to be found so how exactly can one obstruct? And then Mueller was never fired, never told not to look here or there he was free to do whatever he needed to is that obstruction?

    And you all know that Mueller knew over a year ago, maybe even 18 months ago, that there was nothing there but he kept the investigation going along with the idea alive that there just might be Russia Collusion, in hopes to cause just enough concern in just enough people through the mid-term elections so the Dems could win the House and possibly the Senate back. It worked! It completely baffles me how the American people keep voting these nut jobs back into office...

    We the people need to take our government back and VOTE!
    Last edited by Goofy11; 04-08-2019 at 12:06 AM. Reason: Added a sentence or two

  5. #5
    Retired Site "Guide"
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    Here now. Not there.
    There are still some bitter clingers around, but they'll be getting theirs soon enough...

  6. #6
    BANNED - failure to respect community rules-- again!
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    Thumbs up FROM RUSSIA with LOVE!

    Well said and articulated G11, I couldn't agree with you more....

    I saw that same video last night GFJ. Uncle Donny is going scorched earth on all those criminals, and he don't play.

    Payback is a bitch and they are going down big time.

    Watergate was BULLSHIT compared to the numerous, treasonous crimes that were perpetrated against the American people and their duly elected President.

    Many people are going to be indicted and will be going to prison very soon.


    Last edited by Vanilla Gorilla; 04-08-2019 at 06:15 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    In Limbo
    Goofty got it

  8. #8
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    My president knew Russia was illegally helping him. He encouraged it. He didn’t tell the DOJ or FBI. The Report only found no direct evidence the President coordinated with the Russians.

    And people are celebrating this?

  9. #9
    BANNED - failure to respect community rules-- again!
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    Thumbs up You have a valid point...

  10. #10
    BANNED - failure to respect community rules-- again!
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    They ain't got nothin....

    Welcome to the Kavanaugh treatment....

  11. #11
    Verified Hobbyist BCD DocHoliday's Avatar
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    In a secret, heavliy defended, underground lair somewhere in the OH2 Badlands
    Quote Originally Posted by Vanilla Gorilla View Post

    Welcome to the Kavanaugh treatment....
    Once again my Senator, Ted Cruz, rips the socialists/left wing, elected clowns, with facts and calls out their hypocrisy. Thank you again Senator Cruz.

    Now introduce a bill legalizing the hobby.

  12. #12
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Lovinglifeinaustin's Avatar
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    A dissenting opinion.

    Cruz and his repugnican cronies are nothing more than opportunistic lapdogs of the most corrupt presidency in US history. The majority of Americans wisely voted against tRump in 2016. Hopefully the electoral college will do likewise in 2020.
    Loving life in Austin

  13. #13
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Precious_b's Avatar
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    "Slanderous treatment"?
    "Cavanaugh treatment"?
    "Integrity and fidelity of the law"?

    There is a reason they mention the above. But back pedaling to the previous Administration, Trump was no way responsible for Congress loading the Supreme Court with Conservatives. The Republican lead the way in refusing to have any meetings to nominate a Justice during Obama term. That certainly smacks of fairness. So, with Trump, they got the Justice they wanted. Why would people cry with the way he was treated? Came with the turf when you accept the nomination the way it was handed to you.

    Collusion not mentioned because none was found. BUT contact was determined. Not collusion. And that contact shined a light on a few people in how they personally benefited from such.

    Did not release the entire report. But I understand why. But the argument was not as Cruz states.

    Mueller was only the guy that investigated. It is up to the AG to act upon those results. Collusion, no. Obstrustion was left open and is in question since Mueller stated it was up to the AG to proceed with the facts given. And his report supports that further work needs to be done. Barr is refusing to do anything about it.

    The abuse of power was the AG lying to Congress about communicating with Mueller on his opinion.

    Definitely has not had transparency due to documented lying to Congress
    Will always PM from this or the other site as initial contact.

    My Huckleberry

  14. #14
    BANNED - failure to respect community rules-- again!
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    Lightbulb What ever happened to being INDIVISIBLE?

    All of what you say is true and I agree with you.

    But in the end we the people own a government that is completely dysfunctional. It no longer represents the people but is bought and owned by the corporations and the one percenters.

    The two party political system is one of the same. It's a total scam to make us believe that we have a choice when in reality all it does is create the illusion of being different and cause the citizens to be divided and against one another.

    That is what they want...that is how they control us. Divide and Conquer a really old playbook, that works really well, over, and over, and over again throughout history.

    If you are an adversary of the United States looking from the outside in you see a dying nation from within that has become a victim of it's own success and ARROGANCE just as every other empire has done before.

    ROME is burning and the BARBARIANS are at the gates but your average Joe/Jane are asleep at the wheel.
    Last edited by Vanilla Gorilla; 05-06-2019 at 05:33 PM.

  15. #15
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Precious_b's Avatar
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    Todays Empires. Tomorrows Ashes.

    The Constitution gives the People the power to scrap it and start again.
    Will always PM from this or the other site as initial contact.

    My Huckleberry

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