Quote Originally Posted by SA_mikehancho View Post
This has been an interesting read.

Let me start out by saying I am a older than most of you(i am assuming) but not too old to never have been in the "social Internet" world. I currently do not have any social media profiles except here and one other spot. I have deleted them. The other spot I am only keeping until I establish a bit more repore here and then it will be closed as well. I take my privacy seriously and do not feel the need to venture into the world wide abis.
To me that is the only way to stay "private". I do not see any other way.
I agree that unwanted contact from gentlemen and ladies (it goes both ways, like unwanted texts or mas emails to fellas) is not good or proper conduct but if you leave the "door open" then you have to be ready for the consequences that come from the exposure.
My understanding is that most of the girls on dating sites are there for money or a fling of sorts. I have read many posts where ladies have stated this. It is to them another outlet for advertisement. If you are on them to find your true love, even if you are the cashier at the grocery then you WILL get unwanted attention.
I will acknowledge that there are many, too many boys and girls that have issues with boundaries for one reason or another. They are the issue and unfortunately they will not change. Social media is built on the premise that you are "out there" and "to be brought together". So it will always be an issue.

So to the original point NEVER mix Private and Hobby. To that point if you are on sites that are in a public forum you cannot be surprised if the two slam together.

Have Fun and be Safe
Everything you've said, has already been addressed multiple times, but I do appreciate you taking the time to contribute to the thread with your words of wisdom.
I will say that I do beg to differ with your last statement though, it should be perfectly safe to assume they will not slam together... in a perfect world of course, or one where adults would behave as such and respect simple boundries. A gal can dream, right? *heavy sigh*

Quote Originally Posted by Utrhottie View Post
My opinion is this.....
Never cross a line unless invited. Also never use your rw phone number as your bat phone. Always keep these seperate. That is how you are being linked.

Respect the boundaries of privacy on boths sides.
No, it's not how I'm being linked because I don't use the same anything for my private and hobby life. I think that was already previously stated a few times. But you are correct on the topic of boundaries. They exist and should definitely be respected. If a provider saught out a hobbyist personal accounts and contacted them, the pitch forks would be out and lynching ropes drawn without any question about his discretion or appointing fault. She would be blacklisted completely.

I'll state it again, simply because you can, doesn't mean that you should. It is the internet, that is true. But they are different parts of the internet of which have not been freely shared with you. Stay off of them.
