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Thread: Under what circumstances is it okay to...

  1. #31
    Registered Male (Not Verified) DragonX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smokedawg View Post
    Well honestly you're a provider by choice. Do you honestly care that more men are contacting you? I've seen you on my fb feed as well as others.. What's the difference? So to feel all those descripted words you use lol is kind of redundant don't you think? Unless they are just flat out trying to book you through fb comments then that's disrespectful! Discreetness should go both ways. If i was a provider and valued my privacy and you should cause with the 1000+ new registrations on oh2 lately, im sure there are law enforcement on here by now, i wouldnt even have a fb or other social sites that isn't generating $$. Sorry im an A-hole and don't side so easily��
    On hobby hiatus.

  2. #32
    Administrator ck1942's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smokedawg View Post
    FYI..this platform is wide open all you need is someones screen name and all comments, like, pokes etc.. Are searchable..or a messy provider could leak your screennane LOL Go ahead and google your o2 screen name or even eccie. So for all the gents here CYA!
    -True story
    ^^^ if you are referring to OH2, this platform is hardly "wide open" since relative half of the forums are closed to lurkers.... of which, "registered Male (Not Verified) are just getting their toes damp.

    Yes, RMs can see public albums, use private messaging and read the major (public) coed threads and easily see most user profiles, plus use the search keys.

    However, there are UTR and other profiles/handles not visible to RMs or RFs (registered females not verified), etc.

    = = = = =

    As for the topic of this thread:

    imo, peeps in the hobby should be very wary and cautious to assure that their hobby activities are not somehow interconnected with their RW personal social networking links.

    The way Chrome, Google, FaceBook, Linked-In, SnapChat, and virtually all of the rest of the "Socials" work is very apparent.

    In order for them to profit, they need to grow their membership, links and data bases.

    Way too many reports in the public media, lawsuits, government oversight and even Congressional hearings have documented the real spider webbing and information leaks over the past few years.

    My counsel is just like YOU SHOULD HAVE A HOBBY PHONE!you should also use SEPARATE hardware, software and even ISPs and cell carriers for you personal life and your hobby life so you don't get "connected" by accident.

    Yes, Chicken Little had the right idea, but the wrong application.

    Running around with "your head cut off" after you are crashed is just a little bit too late, imo.

    LINK! oh2 current situation report

    In these trying times, your patience and support are greatly appreciated. Stay safe out there!

    = = = = =

    Beating the review template gremlin! LINK for hobbyists


    FAQ: OH2's RULES! A Quick Read

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    Ladies, please note:
    ck1942 doesn't vouch for hobbyists.
    -- "Verified hobbyist" is only a title; he should always be screened/vouched
    -- Very aware hobbyists always start a contact process by sending a PM before sending any texts!

  3. #33
    Verified Companion Companion CubanAva's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azaezel View Post
    I'm going to say, never, unless invited. Randomly adding people you bump into during the course of business is creepy. The girl at HEB who rang up your stuff today might be cute, that doesn't mean you can go home and Google her and try and friend on FB because you managed to remember her name tag, it's creepy and rude and frankly, a little scary. Now, if you've seen a provider on multiple occasions and think you'd want to be friends outside the business, bring it up in a session, don't assume anything and don't be offended if she says no. Doing this may risk breaking the illusion that she actually likes you though so um, proceed at you're own risk.
    Spot on darling man! You have made it clear that you understand exactly what I am saying and have given an example that perfectly reflects that. Thank you for taking the time to make the connection I was missing a link to, the store clerk was a wonderful example!
    You are the bees knees and I'm so glad to have your colorful mind painting a picture for me.

  4. #34
    Verified Hobbyist BCD pmdelites's Avatar
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    even before all the social forums (FB, twitter, etc) existed (or were gleams in their geeky founder's minds :^), the respectful guideline for our sub-culture has been to keep the provider/client and the real world completely separate, unless explicitly allowed to cross between them. (dont call/follow/stalk them, dont engage them in social/professional/public settings, etc.).

    and we all know (or should), that there have been people who have crossed that line, either cos they were ignorant, stupid, mentally ill, malicious, vengeful, or something else.
    not much we can do about people like that (just like it's almost impossible to prevent mass murderers, serial murderers, terrorists, etc.)

    now a days, w/ the pervasive reach of the internet, if one has a social forum acct, then there is absolutely no way to keep people "away" from you.
    so, as in the days of old, if some ignorant or stupid or malicious person crosses that line, block them or ignore them.
    RustyBalls, i know something about computers and software, but how one website platform (e.g. FB) can access another website platform's contact list (e.g. google mail contacts) via a browser or one's computer is beyond me. i can see FB asking for and being granted access to one's other accts. but, via a browser or one's computer? can FB go thru my browser's history or cache and "see" my contacts from a site i recently visited (gmail, linked in, twitter)? does google mail store my contacts on my computer so that other systems can get at it? i have seen LinkedIn show me RW LinkedIn accts for providers i knew. how they figured that out, i'd like to know (esp since i use private mode and often a different browser to get at RW and provider/client websites).

    it's possible, but i dont think so.
    if you can point me to some articles discussing this, please do.
    it's always afternoon!!

    have fun out there.

    dont let the negatives get you down.

  5. #35
    Join Date
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    I’m Friends with a couple ladies on Social Media usually because after awhile of “hanging out” we have quite a few friends in common so. So that makes me more comfortable with the provider, mainly cuz I’m single and it’s not like I’m cheating.

  6. #36
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  7. #37
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    Not only is it a no I won't engage on social media or irl but if a social media site like facebook "helpfully" suggests a provider I've seen as a friend I contact the provider through the normal channel to let them know it happened and advise them on their privacy settings for whatever site it is to prevent that happening. I make it quite clear that I don't mean it as "I see you!" and more just a way to keep someone who would exploit that from accessing it. As much as I harp on about men's privacy and security I care about the providers as well.

    I take great pains to keep my identity secret and anonymous. There's a good reason for that.

  8. #38
    Registered Male (Not Verified)
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlCar0314 View Post
    This has happened to me a bunch lately.

    Saw a few Providers on Tinder/Bumble.

    Saw another one AT CHURCH!
    I became Catholic because of how much I hobbied not withstanding the two SB relationships. As Larry The Cable Guy says.....

    Lord please forgive me

  9. #39
    Verified Hobbyist BCD SA_mikehancho's Avatar
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    This has been an interesting read.

    Let me start out by saying I am a older than most of you(i am assuming) but not too old to never have been in the "social Internet" world. I currently do not have any social media profiles except here and one other spot. I have deleted them. The other spot I am only keeping until I establish a bit more repore here and then it will be closed as well. I take my privacy seriously and do not feel the need to venture into the world wide abis.
    To me that is the only way to stay "private". I do not see any other way.
    I agree that unwanted contact from gentlemen and ladies (it goes both ways, like unwanted texts or mas emails to fellas) is not good or proper conduct but if you leave the "door open" then you have to be ready for the consequences that come from the exposure.
    My understanding is that most of the girls on dating sites are there for money or a fling of sorts. I have read many posts where ladies have stated this. It is to them another outlet for advertisement. If you are on them to find your true love, even if you are the cashier at the grocery then you WILL get unwanted attention.
    I will acknowledge that there are many, too many boys and girls that have issues with boundaries for one reason or another. They are the issue and unfortunately they will not change. Social media is built on the premise that you are "out there" and "to be brought together". So it will always be an issue.

    So to the original point NEVER mix Private and Hobby. To that point if you are on sites that are in a public forum you cannot be surprised if the two slam together.

    Have Fun and be Safe

  10. #40
    Join Date
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    My opinion is this.....
    Never cross a line unless invited. Also never use your rw phone number as your bat phone. Always keep these seperate. That is how you are being linked.

    Respect the boundaries of privacy on boths sides.

  11. #41
    Verified Companion Companion CubanAva's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SA_mikehancho View Post
    This has been an interesting read.

    Let me start out by saying I am a older than most of you(i am assuming) but not too old to never have been in the "social Internet" world. I currently do not have any social media profiles except here and one other spot. I have deleted them. The other spot I am only keeping until I establish a bit more repore here and then it will be closed as well. I take my privacy seriously and do not feel the need to venture into the world wide abis.
    To me that is the only way to stay "private". I do not see any other way.
    I agree that unwanted contact from gentlemen and ladies (it goes both ways, like unwanted texts or mas emails to fellas) is not good or proper conduct but if you leave the "door open" then you have to be ready for the consequences that come from the exposure.
    My understanding is that most of the girls on dating sites are there for money or a fling of sorts. I have read many posts where ladies have stated this. It is to them another outlet for advertisement. If you are on them to find your true love, even if you are the cashier at the grocery then you WILL get unwanted attention.
    I will acknowledge that there are many, too many boys and girls that have issues with boundaries for one reason or another. They are the issue and unfortunately they will not change. Social media is built on the premise that you are "out there" and "to be brought together". So it will always be an issue.

    So to the original point NEVER mix Private and Hobby. To that point if you are on sites that are in a public forum you cannot be surprised if the two slam together.

    Have Fun and be Safe
    Everything you've said, has already been addressed multiple times, but I do appreciate you taking the time to contribute to the thread with your words of wisdom.
    I will say that I do beg to differ with your last statement though, it should be perfectly safe to assume they will not slam together... in a perfect world of course, or one where adults would behave as such and respect simple boundries. A gal can dream, right? *heavy sigh*

    Quote Originally Posted by Utrhottie View Post
    My opinion is this.....
    Never cross a line unless invited. Also never use your rw phone number as your bat phone. Always keep these seperate. That is how you are being linked.

    Respect the boundaries of privacy on boths sides.
    No, it's not how I'm being linked because I don't use the same anything for my private and hobby life. I think that was already previously stated a few times. But you are correct on the topic of boundaries. They exist and should definitely be respected. If a provider saught out a hobbyist personal accounts and contacted them, the pitch forks would be out and lynching ropes drawn without any question about his discretion or appointing fault. She would be blacklisted completely.

    I'll state it again, simply because you can, doesn't mean that you should. It is the internet, that is true. But they are different parts of the internet of which have not been freely shared with you. Stay off of them.



  12. #42
    Join Date
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    In Limbo
    Married men wouldn't appreciate us contacting them on Facebook & the wife start asking questions. Guys would blast our arse as outing Ho's.

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