I was once very active...years ago. With active posting comes a lot of drama, and rumors and lies. For me, the more "noise" I made, the more some lady would want to take me down. And no, I am not a bitch and never had been one. I really am as sweet as I seem. It's just some girls can't stand not to have all of the attention.

Now, I'm not so active... Most of my posts are my ads. I'll pop off on a thread every once in a while... throw my 2cents in. But for the most part, I prefer to lay low.

The business appears to be the same... no difference in actual appointments. However, I have noticed a difference on the type of gents it attracts. Since I only have my own experience to draw on, I can only speak for myself.

I seem to be attracting a lot more gents these days that are more interested in a real visit with a lovely lady who is good at carrying on a convo. They are looking for a real connection, and suspension from reality. A lot less of the "Hobbysts" I guess you can say...the ones who are always trying to out due the other guys... posting reviews that would be envied... trying all of the acronyms. Looking for that one "trick" that a lady can perform just like a performing monkey. Guys are wanting the ladies to compete with each other (upping the ante') to gain their business.

Honestly, I gotta say, I much rather be low key and just post ads. It seems to attract a much better clientele... at least for little ole' Miss Suzy T.