Quote Originally Posted by Fancyinheels View Post
Headed down to the GBA tomorrow for my regular monthly overnight rendezvous with a fine fun fellow at his abode, and the next day when I leave I usually treat myself to lunch with the smell of saltwater in the air and the call of seagulls in the background. (I live up in the deep, dark, spooky woods north of Houston, so no decent briny fare in my area, and I like walking on sand listening to the roar of the waves when I can.) He cannot eat seafood, so is not a source of inspiration for ocean-born delicacies. I'm looking for new scrumptious spots to sample near the coast, anything from Clear Lake to the Island on either side of I-45, and I'm willing to explore. Diners, drive-ins, and dives are great!

Suggestions? Not a fan of raw oysters, but I love them fried, grilled, baked, and broiled, as well as shrimp, fish, crabs.

Some of my favorites: The Watkins shrimp bisque at Gaido's in Galveston is divine, and the cornmeal fried oysters at the Seabrook Classic Cafe are plump, tender, and fresh! And although a wee bit farther inland and a destination restaurant, who's had the creamy house-named beurre blanc sauce with shrimp, oysters, and crawfish over mahi-mahi at the Monument Inn on the Ship Channel?

Share your favs and raves with me, please? Let's flirt with FOOD PORN, chuckle. Thanks in advance!
Gaido's is my favorite spot !! During the summer time I also enjoy their bar/hot tub ! I personally think they are the best. If I want something light I absolutely LOVE the shrimp cocktail at The Spot. Enjoy your day !