I was hoping to get more gentleman's responses but I am too annoyed to wait. You are all correct.

The answer is simple, it is NOT okay to do EVER unless they have specifically told you that you could do so.

I have blocked over a half dozen hobbyists from my personal socials in the last two weeks. Simply because you can find me, does not mean you should engage with me as that is not the realm of which we share with each other. I should not have to make my socials private, you should just have respect for boundaries and the common sense to know that that is not acceptable to do.
What makes it worse is that these are hobbyists I have never seen before but recognized the handles.

AlCar, if a hobbyist matched with me on a dating site and recognized me, I would hope that he would start with that and let me make an informed decision on whether or not I wanted to pursue things further. If he matched with me and found my socials and didnt tell me, I wouldnt necessarily have an issue with it because I wouldn't know unless he shared my private life happenings with other hobbyists. That would be outing and crossing every redline possible.

*sorry to rant, the frequency is bothersome.