Quote Originally Posted by TexasRiley View Post
2 things.
1 men who jack off too much take away from the feeling of sex. With or with out a rubber. Cut your jacking off in half.
-Best rubbers for feeling are trojan gray box they're thin af and safe.
How much is too much?

Excessive masturbation can actually lead to premature ejaculation during coitus unless it's affected by the refractory period. In other words a guy jacks off before without sufficient time to fully recover.

Typically, if a guy is masturbating he focuses on the sensations and mental imagery to git er done quickly. Ejaculation is the goal, not a prolonged sexual experience including a partner. So when he does get to the real thing he doesn't have the self awareness to prevent it.
Focusing on the quality, ie more controlled masturbation, stopping and starting, focusing on the sensations and even mental imagery regardless of frequency could be beneficial but just saying to cut whatever you're doing in half is not practical advice.

Latex condoms have better elasticity. I've not had any problems with them fitting me nor losing any sensation from them. The poly condoms don't quite stretch as much and it can be a little constricting and uncomfortable. An xl allows for just a bit more movement on the inside which enhances the sensations.

The number one factor in a guy being able to cum when he is ready is between his ears. Aside from physiological issues, obviously. Shit gets in your head and it can quickly spiral downhill and you lose it all together leaving both parties wondering WTF just happened.