i hobby for the pussy. specifically new pussy. a higher grade of pussy than what i'm getting in my day to day. nothing against walmart pussy, its just sometimes i need that whole foods pussy.

first time i bought some pussy was at a strip club back in 95. the savoy. since then, my sex life has been different. not all of the pussy i've purchased has been from pros. i've bought/rented pussy from some so call friends that happened to be short w/ a bill here or there or needed help w/ back to school clothes. who am i to deny a friend in need?

i enjoy the thrill. knocking on that incall door for the first time... her standing behind it as i walk in. grabbing that fat ass the first time. taking her panties off the first time. thinking to myself she might be a cop the entire time until my dick is in her mouth. i enjoy that i can fuck a woman and not have the typical pussy related issues. (i.e the problems that come w/ pussy) i like that (when a provider and i click) we can fuck once a week without having to hear about all of her issues. my dick likes the attention. i like that i could fuck white women if i wanted to and not get in trouble. (maybe...this is texas) i like this online persona that i've created that only you guys know about.

finding good pussy is like finding a new place w/ good sandwiches. i'll think of you often and look forward to coming back weekly until you go out of business or get shut down by the health department.

what i hate about the hobby is that every time i find someone who i want to see weekly, after a few months or so, either they've given their life to God, moved to a different city, or don't need to do this anymore and i have to start all over. then i have hell seeing someone new because all of my ref's are over 6 months old.

but as long as there is a beautiful woman w/ a fat soft ass selling pussy, me and my wallet will be there to assist during this rough patch in her life. :)

***currently looking for a regular (weekly) in the katy/cypress area. my refs are over 6 months old. please have a fat ass and a bill that needs to be paid.