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Thread: Are you funding the Border wall or ladders? THREAD CLOSED BY CK1942

  1. #61
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    Border Facts:

  2. #62
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Lovinglifeinaustin's Avatar
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    Border security is a red herring. Some deplorables are going to make a shit load of corrupt money should this boondoggle happen, including our deplorable-in-chief.
    Loving life in Austin

  3. #63
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    I was wondering when the deplorable word would come out. Seems that many of us are just smelly Walmart shopping, 10 toothed deplorables that are all racists and homophobic and make our wives, sister and mothers vote how we say to and none of us seem to know how to make a decision for ourselves...

    Pelosi makes makes $193,400 as a public servant but has a net worth of $196 million
    Obama’s net worth multiplied by 10 times and is well over $40 millions with estimated earnings over $240 post presidency
    Does anything even need to be said about the Clintons...

    All politicians sell themselves and make huge corrupt money!

    Trump is not even accepting the presidential salary he is doing this for Free! He has donated all of his salary as he promised.

  4. #64
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    a few points, briefly..

    Bush jr. put the Osama Bin Laden hat on Saddam Hussein, and was able to snicker many into believing they were essentially the same guy, the same threat. I feel that Trump is doing something similar tonight, rolling out this phony border crisis. a month ago it wasn't a crisis, in fact, Trump was ready to fund the Government while differences got hashed out. I bring Goofy's question back to him.. what changed? what changed is Rush Limbaugh and others barked on talk radio, that Trump was cowering to the other side.

    I predict no minds will be changed tonight, and Trump will issue an emergency order to build the Wall Thursday night, or Friday morning.. just in time for paychecks to go out.. his order will be ruled void by the courts, but at least Trump can say he did what he could.

  5. #65
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Lovinglifeinaustin's Avatar
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    Granted, none of the politicos want us to know that they are not plain folks like us. Most of them don’t want us to know how much they make, and how they became millionaires as public servants. Trump, on the other hand, doesn’t want us to know that he is not as rich as he claims.

    Bully for Trump for donating his salary. But $400k is a pittance compared to what he hopes to gain under the table.

    I agree with you Goofy, All politicians sell themselves and make huge corrupt money!
    Loving life in Austin

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goofy11 View Post
    I was wondering when the deplorable word would come out. Seems that many of us are just smelly Walmart shopping, 10 toothed deplorables that are all racists and homophobic and make our wives, sister and mothers vote how we say to and none of us seem to know how to make a decision for ourselves...

    Pelosi makes makes $193,400 as a public servant but has a net worth of $196 million
    Obama’s net worth multiplied by 10 times and is well over $40 millions with estimated earnings over $240 post presidency
    Does anything even need to be said about the Clintons...

    All politicians sell themselves and make huge corrupt money!

    Trump is not even accepting the presidential salary he is doing this for Free! He has donated all of his salary as he promised.
    Come on Goofy- A so called multi-millionaire-in which he claims he's worth in excess of 100 million turning down a 400k a year salary is pretty laughable and please don't say he's working for free when he has his family member making favorable deals with the Russians and Saudis.
    Why do you think Saudi Arabia wasn't on the list of banned countries? Where is the birth place of Osama Bin Laden? Where did Al-Queada originate? Which middle eastern country is known to have the strictest form of Islam? Do your research the Taliban copied their strict form of Islam from Saudia Arabia- heck in 2018 woman were just allowed to drive in Saudia Arabia. The CIA stated that the Saudia government had the journalist killed and Trump turned a blind eye.
    In term of Obama, he has to be by far and away the poorest person in modern times to be elected President. He's the only President I csn think of in modern times that got elected w/o being a millionaire or being worth a million. Just because he's getting outrageous offers now sinc he left the W.H doesn't make him currupt.

    How many scandals in 8 years did the Obama administration have?

    Here's an interesting fact that you can't hide Goofy and probably won't address- why is their so much turnover in the Trump administration in 2 years than Obama's entire 8 years?

    If you're thinking turnover within the Trump administrations seems unusually high, you're not alone. Kathryn Dunn Tenpas, a nonresident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, has been tracking turnover rates at the White House for decades. In a paper published earlier this year, Tenpas said Trump's first year in office had a staff turnover rate higher than the last five presidential administrations. In fact, Tenpas' research found Trump's turnover to be "record-setting."

    According to Tenpas' data, 34 percent of high-level White House staffers left — whether they resigned, got fired, shifted positions, or exited some other way — during Trump's first year in office. Moreover, Tenpas found turnover in six of the 12 positions she deemed to be "Tier One," or the uppermost tier of decision makers in the White House. By comparison, the Obama administration saw turnover in just one of its 12 "Tier One" positions.

    Also, Goofy the great economic employment we are enjoying-with exception of the corporate tax break which I supported- Trump is basically feeding off the Obama UE.

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
    a few points, briefly..

    Bush jr. put the Osama Bin Laden hat on Saddam Hussein, and was able to snicker many into believing they were essentially the same guy, the same threat. I feel that Trump is doing something similar tonight, rolling out this phony border crisis. a month ago it wasn't a crisis, in fact, Trump was ready to fund the Government while differences got hashed out. I bring Goofy's question back to him.. what changed? what changed is Rush Limbaugh and others barked on talk radio, that Trump was cowering to the other side.

    I predict no minds will be changed tonight, and Trump will issue an emergency order to build the Wall Thursday night, or Friday morning.. just in time for paychecks to go out.. his order will be ruled void by the courts, but at least Trump can say he did what he could.
    I have no idea what changed but find it hard to believe that a talk radio host or Fox News would have any influence over presidential decisions... but who knows.

    I would imagine it is because he was tired of being played by the House and Senate with their promise of we will do it next time, we will do it after the mid-term election, they did not and he has had enough and has decided to hold them to it with a veto of their proposed bill of what they only want and nothing the president wants.

    Yes he was and still is willing to sign an agreeable bill to fund the government right now this very second. However the House and Senate have yet again failed to do their job and get a bill together that works for all. And sadly we keep electing these failing politicians.

    You might be right Chung...will be interesting how it plays out.

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by WellEndowed1911 View Post

    How many scandals in 8 years did the Obama administration have?

    Ok just to highlight a few...

    1. Benghazi: In addition to the scandalous betrayal and death of our people, Obama and his cohorts concocted and disseminated the lie that the attack on our consulate was caused by an anti-Muslim video. Later, Judicial Watch obtained a smoking-gun email from top-level Obama aid Ben Rhodes, sent to a dozen members of Obama's inner circle, that contained talking points to prepare then-U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice for the Sunday talk shows. Three of the four main bullet points Rhodes was advising Rice to convey were patently false, including the lie about the video. They knew, because the CIA made it clear, that the attack was not the result of a spontaneous protest to an anti-Muslim video but preplanned by al-Qaida. The Obama administration manufactured this canard to insulate Obama from criticism two months before the November 2012 election, as he had boasted that he had al-Qaida on the run.

    2. Obama's IRS conspired to target conservative and pro-Israel groups for discriminatory treatment in acquiring tax exemptions.

    3. Obama and then-Attorney general Eric Holder's Justice Department was never held to account for its actions on the gunrunning scandal known as Operation Fast and Furious, in which an American was murdered with weapons this administration deliberately put into the hands of Mexican cartels.

    4. This same Justice Department was also under a cloud due to scandals involving its massive culling of Associated Press reporters' phone records concerning a leak investigation, slandering Fox News reporter James Rosen over classified information, and monitoring Rosen's phone calls and emails.

    5. Obama's lies on Obamacare were legion and scandalous: He knew from the jump we couldn't keep our plans or our doctors, and that Obamacare would reduce rather than increase people's access to care. He knew it wouldn't reduce premiums by $2,500 for the average family of four. He deceived us when he said no federal dollars would be used to fund abortions. He grossly distorted the picture of the true number of uninsured. His goal, proved on videotape, was always single-payer. He used budgetary accounting gimmicks to grease Obamacare by the CBO, including the double counting on Medicare.

    5. After Obama's failure to pass cap-and-trade legislation through Congress to purportedly reduce the global temperature by suppressing traditional energy production and consumption, his Environmental Protection Agency unilaterally and unconstitutionally issued a decree to accomplish his goal administratively. Some called this one of the biggest power grabs in American history, as the EPA had positioned itself to regulate fuel economy, set climate policy for the nation and amend the Clean Air Act — powers never delegated to it by Congress.

    6. The Obama administration flagrantly defied a federal court order on his moratorium on offshore drilling when his interior secretary, Ken Salazar, said he would just reimpose the moratorium based on information that wasn't fully developed earlier.

    7. Obama rigged the playing field to secure for his labor-union friends a bigger stake in his new General Motors than was warranted by their actual ownership interest. He robbed secured creditors of their preferred-creditor status and the value of their investment by using the power of his office to strong-arm a restructuring of the company. When Democratic Party donor and super-lawyer Tom Lauria opposed this plan on behalf of his client, according to Lauria, the White House threatened to destroy his client's reputation.

    8. The Obama-Hillary Clinton FISA scandal, the egregiousness of which is being casually dismissed by many, will someday be fully exposed. He flat out spyed on US Citizens and a presidential candidate!

    9. Then, there's the Iran nuclear deal! In the dark secret of the night he had pallets of cash loaded on a top secret plane in hopes that no American citizen would ever know to give the American hating, Death to America chanters $155 Billion in cash! Plus willing agreed to a deal that would allow them to build nuclear weapons that you know they want to use on us as soon as possible.

    10. Obama's unprecedented federal land grabs

    11. His dismissal of a voter-intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party that had already been won

    12. His bullying of doctors and insurance companies when it served his purposes

    13. His endless stirring of the racial pot

    14. His bullying and fact-starved attack on BP that culminated in his authoritarian command, "Just plug the damn hole"

    15. His stable of unaccountable "czars”

    16. His war on Fox News, which preceded Trump's battles with the press that Democrats find so horrifying

    17. The Department of Veterans Affairs scandal

    17. The Solyndra scandal

    18. The deliberate targeting of the coal industry

    19. The shakedown of banks

    20. The massive redistribution scheme disguised as an economic stimulus program

    21. The federal commandeering of the student loan program

    22. His public dressing down of the Supreme Court

    23. His whispered hot-mic pledge to Russia to be more flexible on missile defense

    24. His cavalier treatment of Arizona and its immigration laws; and gobs more.

    Again just to highlight a few...

  9. #69
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    In regards to the high turnover...who knows why that is. Yes we could speculate and use or bias to assume it is all for bad reasons but we have no idea what so ever.

    I can easily imagine it is because of a few possible reasons.

    One being that he is a business man and demanding fast paced high end results from all of his staff to get as much fixed in 4 years as possible and the work load is intense. Only to be compounded by nothing but obstruction from the democratic side and a lame Congress and Senate unwilling to do their job for the American people. That they just say F this I can do better and work less and make more in the business world.

    Another being he was trying to help those who were supporting him and put them in positions above their skill set and when it really started to show they chose to leave or he asked him to leave.

    Or he went in thinking it would run like a business and quickly realized it was all a very corrupt swamp and even some of the ones he let into the administration were corrupt and when discovered...exit stage left.

    Or it could be they had no idea of the work load and time spent away from family and they said no it is not worth it.

    Maybe it is they (ones leaving) are being blacked mailed by the other side and they could not deal with it. I personally feel they had Jeff Sessions by the short curlys and that is what froze him in place hiding behind the shadows for 2 years doing absolutely nothing. But who really knows.

    Or it could be he is a demanding ass of a boss and they don’t want to work for him. I know I have had a few of those in the business world.

    But yes there has been some turn over.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goofy11 View Post
    Ok just to highlight a few...

    1. Benghazi: In addition to the scandalous betrayal and death of our people, Obama and his cohorts concocted and disseminated the lie that the attack on our consulate was caused by an anti-Muslim video. Later, Judicial Watch obtained a smoking-gun email from top-level Obama aid Ben Rhodes, sent to a dozen members of Obama's inner circle, that contained talking points to prepare then-U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice for the Sunday talk shows. Three of the four main bullet points Rhodes was advising Rice to convey were patently false, including the lie about the video. They knew, because the CIA made it clear, that the attack was not the result of a spontaneous protest to an anti-Muslim video but preplanned by al-Qaida. The Obama administration manufactured this canard to insulate Obama from criticism two months before the November 2012 election, as he had boasted that he had al-Qaida on the run.

    2. Obama's IRS conspired to target conservative and pro-Israel groups for discriminatory treatment in acquiring tax exemptions.

    3. Obama and then-Attorney general Eric Holder's Justice Department was never held to account for its actions on the gunrunning scandal known as Operation Fast and Furious, in which an American was murdered with weapons this administration deliberately put into the hands of Mexican cartels.

    4. This same Justice Department was also under a cloud due to scandals involving its massive culling of Associated Press reporters' phone records concerning a leak investigation, slandering Fox News reporter James Rosen over classified information, and monitoring Rosen's phone calls and emails.

    5. Obama's lies on Obamacare were legion and scandalous: He knew from the jump we couldn't keep our plans or our doctors, and that Obamacare would reduce rather than increase people's access to care. He knew it wouldn't reduce premiums by $2,500 for the average family of four. He deceived us when he said no federal dollars would be used to fund abortions. He grossly distorted the picture of the true number of uninsured. His goal, proved on videotape, was always single-payer. He used budgetary accounting gimmicks to grease Obamacare by the CBO, including the double counting on Medicare.

    5. After Obama's failure to pass cap-and-trade legislation through Congress to purportedly reduce the global temperature by suppressing traditional energy production and consumption, his Environmental Protection Agency unilaterally and unconstitutionally issued a decree to accomplish his goal administratively. Some called this one of the biggest power grabs in American history, as the EPA had positioned itself to regulate fuel economy, set climate policy for the nation and amend the Clean Air Act — powers never delegated to it by Congress.

    6. The Obama administration flagrantly defied a federal court order on his moratorium on offshore drilling when his interior secretary, Ken Salazar, said he would just reimpose the moratorium based on information that wasn't fully developed earlier.

    7. Obama rigged the playing field to secure for his labor-union friends a bigger stake in his new General Motors than was warranted by their actual ownership interest. He robbed secured creditors of their preferred-creditor status and the value of their investment by using the power of his office to strong-arm a restructuring of the company. When Democratic Party donor and super-lawyer Tom Lauria opposed this plan on behalf of his client, according to Lauria, the White House threatened to destroy his client's reputation.

    8. The Obama-Hillary Clinton FISA scandal, the egregiousness of which is being casually dismissed by many, will someday be fully exposed. He flat out spyed on US Citizens and a presidential candidate!

    9. Then, there's the Iran nuclear deal! In the dark secret of the night he had pallets of cash loaded on a top secret plane in hopes that no American citizen would ever know to give the American hating, Death to America chanters $155 Billion in cash! Plus willing agreed to a deal that would allow them to build nuclear weapons that you know they want to use on us as soon as possible.

    10. Obama's unprecedented federal land grabs

    11. His dismissal of a voter-intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party that had already been won

    12. His bullying of doctors and insurance companies when it served his purposes

    13. His endless stirring of the racial pot

    14. His bullying and fact-starved attack on BP that culminated in his authoritarian command, "Just plug the damn hole"

    15. His stable of unaccountable "czars”

    16. His war on Fox News, which preceded Trump's battles with the press that Democrats find so horrifying

    17. The Department of Veterans Affairs scandal

    17. The Solyndra scandal

    18. The deliberate targeting of the coal industry

    19. The shakedown of banks

    20. The massive redistribution scheme disguised as an economic stimulus program

    21. The federal commandeering of the student loan program

    22. His public dressing down of the Supreme Court

    23. His whispered hot-mic pledge to Russia to be more flexible on missile defense

    24. His cavalier treatment of Arizona and its immigration laws; and gobs more.

    Again just to highlight a few...
    I think with all due respect you need to look up the word scandal. Can you give me one indictiment that was filed against any of his cabinet members? You mentioned 24 things that are not scandals. Or perhaps I should say give me a person that was arrested, jailed, or indicted from his administration.
    Last edited by WellEndowed1911; 01-08-2019 at 10:25 PM.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by WellEndowed1911 View Post
    The UE rate is 3.5% are there millions of americans who don't have jobs because of illegal immigrants?

    Goofy11 you say Osama killed 3000 Americans?? When? Are you really that naive to think a man living in a cave in one of the poorest nations in the world pulled off 9-11??? If you still in 2019, don't think 9-11 was an inside job you have way too much faith in your government.

    Also, your clips of people who got killed by illegal immigrants is irrelevant. If a muslim or a Jew comes to this country and kills a citizen does that mean we shouldn't allow muslims or Jews to enter the country? The overwhelming numbers of immigrants are not committing crimes- you are always going to have outliers. There have been more people killed per year by police than by ISIS and/or Al-queada. Should we now brand Police as a threat to America?
    I find your first paragraph offensive and will not respond any further on that.

    Yes when we start having hundreds to thousands of Muslims or Jewish illegal immigrants coming into our country that have been arrested multiple times, deported multiple times, and are again sneaking back across our borders with criminal records or gang affiliation and killing hundreds of Americans, then yes we should find a way to stop them from entering.

    I have zero issue with those that are here, even illegally, trying to do right and get by making a living, other than the fact that we are spending 70k a year on each and every one of them, each and every year. I say make them (the honest hard working and law biding, even though they are here illegally) legal citizens today giving them a social security card and a phamphlet on our laws and how to get medical insurance and the whole sha-bam, and welcome them. But we have to stop the illegal and dangerous crossing and coordinate and expedite legal immigration the legal way and get this burden of an expense off the taxpayers.

    Sadly many groups do not follow the rule of law and have already branded the police a threat to America! Not saying there are not bad cops out there, as there are bad people in every aspect of life. But ever since body cams have come mandatory in all police departments the accusations of police burtality and wrongful shootings has plummeted...coincidence, probably not.

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by WellEndowed1911 View Post
    I think with all due respect you need to look up the word scandal. Can you give me one indictiment that was filed against any of his cabinet members? You mentioned 24 things that are not scandals. Or perhaps I should say give me a person that was arrested, jailed, or indicted from his administration.
    Respectfully, none of that is possible to find because the DOJ, FBI and CIA were all in his back pocket. Hillary is as guilty as a jay bird and they covered it up spectacularly. I mean even a blind guy could see it. And thankfully the American people saw it as well. Every thing listed was down played or covered up. We are just now seeing how corrupt it really was.

    And to the point not a single one of Miller’s indictments has anything to,do with the made up Russia Collusion Scandal...not a single one. You have 3 for making false statements and one for a breech of agreement. And another for a mis use of funds who is now trying to be a song bird. And they are now discovering a lot of this was obtained wrongfully and may backfire on Mueller. The Russia Collusion was outright Hillary and the absolutely fake dossier.

    But let’s agree to completely disagree here and move on in a friendly manner.

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goofy11 View Post
    Respectfully, none of that is possible to find because the DOJ, FBI and CIA were all in his back pocket. Hillary is as guilty as a jay bird and they covered it up spectacularly. I mean even a blind guy could see it. And thankfully the American people saw it as well. Every thing listed was down played or covered up. We are just now seeing how corrupt it really was.

    And to the point not a single one of Miller’s indictments has anything to,do with the made up Russia Collusion Scandal...not a single one. You have 3 for making false statements and one for a breech of agreement. And another for a mis use of funds who is now trying to be a song bird. And they are now discovering a lot of this was obtained wrongfully and may backfire on Mueller. The Russia Collusion was outright Hillary and the absolutely fake dossier.

    But let’s agree to completely disagree here and move on in a friendly manner.
    Goofy I have no Ill Will towards you and what makes this country so great is that we have different ideas- as you and someone else mention I think to an extent all politicans are corrupted even if they have good intentions.I don't think republicans have all the right answers nor democrats, but Trump really scares the shit out of me because he has a huge ego where he thinks he's smarter than every one else. his latest tantrum is that he thinks he knows more than General Mathis on exiting from Syria.

  14. #74
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    Yes he speaks from the hip and at times and you really have to ask yourself did he really say that.

    It would be nice if he was a more polished speaker and tweeter...

  15. #75
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    Interesting story about the man behind the go fund the border wall:

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