Quote Originally Posted by Goofy11 View Post
Boarder security is important and the go fund me page should be an indicator to Congress that it is important to the forgotten people.

Mexico was never intended to pay for the wall outright...like them saying here US we will give you $25 million back of the billions you are currently giving us already, so you can build the needed wall. But instead with the renegotiations of NAFTA and a much better deal created for all including the US, the billions saved there is what was going to build the wall. Another misconception about Mexico building the wall is it would actually be Hispanic workers building the wall...can’t believe people actually believed that, although there is a good chance a very diverse work group will be working on building the wall.

All politicians are liars...some just outright lie a lot more than others. I never got to keep my doctor. Some may have intended and tried to keep their promises but just could not make it past the system and were/are being forced to do what the select few want. And it is scary that many are above the law as well.

Just a bone to chew on.
Goofy you made some great points- the biggest being that all politicians lie and some have good intent but there good intentions can be derailed by congress. In terms of the wall to keeping out immigrants and illegal substances IMHO it will not work. In the latter, the Cartels have very unique ways of getting their products across the border- they have used boats, jets, and have even built undergorung tunnels -so it's not going to stop the problem.