Quote Originally Posted by CheyenneRyder22 View Post
Were you able to go?
I wasn't able to make it this month , but I'm definitely going next month!
Hi Cheyenne,

Was going to send you a private message but since you asked here, yes I went to the psychic fair on Sunday.

It's been several years since I've been and frankly, it's changed a lot and wasn't all that great but perhaps my memory clouded my expectations. There were certainly a lot of people there.

The venue has changed to a small place off of Midway Road. It's not bad but it's not located in a huge hotel conference room, like before, which gave the event a bit more cachet.

Anyway, now the psychic fair isn't as large as it once was. There are still a ton of readers there. That hasn't changed. And there were a lot of people visiting.

But how do I say this? The vibe seemed more cheesy. I don't know. Some of the vendors, with the stones and jewelry they had for sell, were rather nice.

Wasn't going to get a reading and the friend that I was with wanted one and bought one for me. The woman said that she was clairvoyant (just picked someone that wasn't busy at the time. There were over 30 readers there) and had studied card reading in England. Guess that she wanted to qualify herself before the reading.

She suggested a general reading and I agreed.

Nothing was overly inspiring about the reading and if you'd like more details, could send you a private message. My friend's reading bordered on bizarre. Both suggested to us, and we were sitting far apart from each other, that any financial worries would dissolve in due time. (had a bit of an eye roll going on in my head on that one!)

Hope this helps. For the $7 entry fee, it's something to try. Readings were $20 for 15 minutes. The readers are set up with their own little tables and lined the parameter of the room. When it was time for a reading, you went to sit at the little table with them.

Guess that's all and if you have any questions, feel free to ask me.
