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Thread: Psychic/medium

  1. #1
    Verified Companion Companion CheyenneRyder22's Avatar
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    This is random, but I'm genuinely curious if anyone has actually been to a psychic/medium and it was actually successful. Not some weird random lady on the street lol. But like a legit one, if there even is one...
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  2. #2
    Registered Female (Not Verified) elisabethwhispers's Avatar
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    I know a bit more about this sort of thing than I'd like to admit to. Anyway, years ago (decades), I used to read tarot cards for friends. Just a few weeks back, purchased a new set of cards with the idea of perhaps trying to do so again but this time, for fees.

    But I'm not some sort of soothsayer.

    A lot of people who do this sort of thing, psychics and stuff, they just are able to read people and do a good job of it. Plus, there is a common experience that is true for all people. And people who do readings can tap into that.

    You're in Dallas, right?

    There is a monthly psychic fair that is held at a Doubletree Inn in north Dallas. In fact, it's this weekend and I'm considering going. Haven't been in years but have been a few times and it's a bit of an institution.

    Can get cheap readings there and some of these folks seem very legit. Or as legit as one could consider a psychic. Last time I went, some lady did a chalk painting of what she saw around my head. And started talking. It was a crazy experience, around $15, but boy .. it was shocking some of the things that she said to me. All true. There are also table massages and chair massages offered, too.

    Here is the website. It's the first Sunday of every month.

    They have a lot of venders there (selling rocks, incense, clothes, readings, essential oils, jewelry, etc,) and the few times I've attended, it's been fun.

    Not sure that I answered your question. But I feel that sex workers tend to have some sort of inner something that tends to gravitate towards this sort of thing. At least most of the females that I've known in this world seem to have an almost preternatural way of figuring out how to please a man (if they're any good at it and my inner group always was) and have some sort of insight into "things that go bump in the night."

    Anywhoo ...

    Probably sounds pretty artsy fartsy/hippy dippy (my brother's phrase for me in the past) for many reading this. But heck, it's an experience!!!
    Last edited by elisabethwhispers; 11-02-2018 at 07:10 PM.

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  3. #3
    Verified Companion Companion CheyenneRyder22's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by elisabethwhispers View Post
    I know a bit more about this sort of thing than I'd like to admit to. Anyway, years ago (decades), I used to read tarot cards for friends. Just a few weeks back, purchased a new set of cards with the idea of perhaps trying to do so again but this time, for fees.

    But I'm not some sort of soothsayer.

    A lot of people who do this sort of thing, psychics and stuff, they just are able to read people and do a good job of it. Plus, there is a common experience that is true for all people. And people who do readings can tap into that.

    You're in Dallas, right?

    There is a monthly psychic fair that is held at a Doubletree Inn in north Dallas. In fact, it's this weekend and I'm considering going. Haven't been in years but have been a few times and it's a bit of an institution.

    Can get cheap readings there and some of these folks seem very legit. Or as legit as one could consider a psychic. Last time I went, some lady did a chalk painting of what she saw around my head. And started talking. It was a crazy experience, around $15, but boy .. it was shocking some of the things that she said to me. All true. There are also table massages and chair massages offered, too.

    Here is the website. It's the first Sunday of every month.

    They have a lot of venders there (selling rocks, incense, clothes, readings, essential oils, jewelry, etc,) and the few times I've attended, it's been fun.

    Not sure that I answered your question. But I feel that sex workers tend to have some sort of inner something that tends to gravitate towards this sort of thing. At least most of the females that I've known in this world seem to have an almost preternatural way of figuring out how to please a man (if they're any good at it and my inner group always was) and have some sort of insight into "things that go bump in the night."

    Anywhoo ...

    Probably sounds pretty artsy fartsy/hippy dippy (my brother's phrase for me in the past) for many reading this. But heck, it's an experience!!!
    Omg thank you so much!
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  4. #4
    Registered Female (Not Verified) elisabethwhispers's Avatar
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    If you decide to attend, let me know how it goes!!!

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  5. #5
    Verified Companion Companion CheyenneRyder22's Avatar
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    I will! Hopefully my schedule let's me. Lol. I definitely want to go.
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  6. #6
    Registered Female (Not Verified) elisabethwhispers's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CheyenneRyder22 View Post
    I will! Hopefully my schedule let's me. Lol. I definitely want to go.
    Oh heck, the psychic fair is held every month. If you don't go tomorrow then there always taking place.

    I've been planning on going back for several months and probably will go tomorrow. But I shared some wrong information above.

    Just reviewed the website and it's no longer being held at that hotel. It's in a different location.

    The event is in Farmer's Branch.

    Happy weekend!!!

    One Hour - $240
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  7. #7
    Verified Companion Companion CheyenneRyder22's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by elisabethwhispers View Post
    Oh heck, the psychic fair is held every month. If you don't go tomorrow then there always taking place.

    I've been planning on going back for several months and probably will go tomorrow. But I shared some wrong information above.

    Just reviewed the website and it's no longer being held at that hotel. It's in a different location.

    The event is in Farmer's Branch.

    Happy weekend!!!
    Were you able to go?
    I wasn't able to make it this month , but I'm definitely going next month!
    Outcalls Available For All Midcities🖤
    ECCIE: 324580
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  8. #8
    Registered Female (Not Verified) elisabethwhispers's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CheyenneRyder22 View Post
    Were you able to go?
    I wasn't able to make it this month , but I'm definitely going next month!
    Hi Cheyenne,

    Was going to send you a private message but since you asked here, yes I went to the psychic fair on Sunday.

    It's been several years since I've been and frankly, it's changed a lot and wasn't all that great but perhaps my memory clouded my expectations. There were certainly a lot of people there.

    The venue has changed to a small place off of Midway Road. It's not bad but it's not located in a huge hotel conference room, like before, which gave the event a bit more cachet.

    Anyway, now the psychic fair isn't as large as it once was. There are still a ton of readers there. That hasn't changed. And there were a lot of people visiting.

    But how do I say this? The vibe seemed more cheesy. I don't know. Some of the vendors, with the stones and jewelry they had for sell, were rather nice.

    Wasn't going to get a reading and the friend that I was with wanted one and bought one for me. The woman said that she was clairvoyant (just picked someone that wasn't busy at the time. There were over 30 readers there) and had studied card reading in England. Guess that she wanted to qualify herself before the reading.

    She suggested a general reading and I agreed.

    Nothing was overly inspiring about the reading and if you'd like more details, could send you a private message. My friend's reading bordered on bizarre. Both suggested to us, and we were sitting far apart from each other, that any financial worries would dissolve in due time. (had a bit of an eye roll going on in my head on that one!)

    Hope this helps. For the $7 entry fee, it's something to try. Readings were $20 for 15 minutes. The readers are set up with their own little tables and lined the parameter of the room. When it was time for a reading, you went to sit at the little table with them.

    Guess that's all and if you have any questions, feel free to ask me.


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  9. #9
    Verified Companion Companion Mzluvly's Avatar
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    I actually offer tarot/twin flame readings! I've done tarot and lightwork for over 17 years
    Snapchat premium: @therealmzluvly

  10. #10
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    For what is worth IMHO it’s all a scam I remember watching some tv show it’s been many years ago where a former psychic explained how it normally works. If it’s held at some type of seminar and you want to perhaps be selected by a psychic you feel out a fork which has some general info about you and the problem you are having - if you see called upon the psychic has a secret ear piece where someone in the back is feeding them information that you previously filled out before you entered the seminar.
    Now if it’s done one on one -it’s much easier than you think - a person who normally goes to a psychic is someone who is obviously having issues or problems. So the psychic is basically feeding off emotions or issues that could be applied to 90 percent of the population. For example, a psychic telling someone that they never met -“oh I am getting a feeling that you are worried about some type of financial issues...” and the person would say OMG how did you know that ....? But in reality a lot of people have financial issues, relationship issues - perhaps worried about their health. So bottomline 90 to 95 percent of psychic readers are scammers who are telling you information that can be applied to 90 percent of the population.
    Now can there be people born with special talent that can predict future events - yes but I think that number is extremely small - I don’t think Nostradamus was a scammer - basically any religious prophet from the Bible are in a way psychics, but the ones we see nowadays where you pay for a reading IMHO the overwhelming majority of them are frauds.
    Think about if they were truly legit and could predict the future don’t you think they would be winning major lotteries or of their talent was legit they would be heavily used by the military to predict our enemies next moves or by law enforcement to solve crimes and cold cases.

  11. #11
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    Here’s a good article explaining the “tricks” psychics use to make their predictions :

  12. #12
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Butch Cassidy's Avatar
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    Many years ago someone suggested I see this lady because of a death in my family.
    The friend that suggested i go also had had a tragic death in her family and the psychologist she and her parents were seeing suggested they talk to Dwanna Paul.
    It changed my life and Ive witnessed others lives changed.
    I think there are fakes as WE mentioned but to say theyre all fake doesnt seem realistic.....That's like saying that if Jesus said anyone could perform the miracles he did, why hasnt anyone walked on water? Does that mean he was full of caca?
    There are people in this world born with gifts and Ive met them, their power is very real.
    Cheyene you specifically asked about a "medium" and Dwanna Paul is one i.e. she can communicate with people that have passed on.
    This is actually a great test because anyone reading this can reach out to her and it's impossible that she could know anything about you....these arent our real names.
    God is real, His Power is real and there is alot going on Behind the Scenes

  13. #13
    Verified Companion Companion CheyenneRyder22's Avatar
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    Thank you guys for all your info!
    BC, I will definitely be checking her out! Thanks so much! <3

  14. #14
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    My SO who is from Portugal went to a lady at the suggestion of a friend. During the session the psychic or medium, or whatever she is called asked about her grandmother who passed away like 15 years ago. Suddenly the medium began speaking in fluent Portuguese and said some things that she used to hear from her grandmother as a young girl. My SO ended the session and started crying and said she felt like she had to get out of their because it was too creepy. She had never met this lady before the session and the lady had no idea she was from Portugal. She told my SO that while she could speak some some Spanish she had never spoken Portuguese before. My SO was shook up for days afterwards and has not gone back. So there is something to it.

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