Thank you for seeing it as a talking point rather than me trying to be a dick

Now when I checked I measured a few ways, with the method you said, I come in round bout 8.75"-9" BPEL (Bit hard to be completely accurate) and 6"-6.25" EG (near tip vs near the base)
I WILL NOT plaster dick pics all over this thread (...or will I ) so folks, take me at my word or don't

Back on subject, partners I've had rarely had problems during sex. I've regularly run into woman who saw it and thought nope, nah, and HELL NO. But after getting them to relax, and aroused, only a handful haven't been able to take it all in. I do take care with doggystyle positions, so I agree different positions have an effect, but other than that nothing much outside the norm.
Far as condoms go Magnum XLs do me fine, NOTHING else fits completely properly (Though they still work, no excuses guys. Wrap it. end of PSA lol)

The 10"+ BPEL and 7"+ EG stuff is beyond me so I have no say for that
But dang, they're mostly looking for 10"+ guys for porn To "big" to hobby, not "big" enough to break into the biz, guess it's back to trying to perfect the perfect "stranger" technique.