I 100% get where you're coming from. I personally prefer to nurture long-term mutually beneficial relationships where both individuals enjoy each other and get fulfilment. Having fewer/longer visits and keeping a "smaller" circle. Trying new restaurants (and bars) are always a personal fave, but do far most of my expiration of ATX had been through the hobby. Developing a good rapport with each other, and building mutual respect can lead to even wilder adventures. This weekend I'm flying home with a special friend who happens to be from my neck of the woods. Next month is Vegas! But, in my opinion, it can't be "work" work. You have to genuinely enjoy your time together, because if it's not organic being a SB is just as emotionally exhausting. Nurture relationships with clients that just genuinely think you're cool af ��

Oh, and open communication. Make sure boundaries are clear... and self care!