he deserves to be bashed.. because:

(1) he gets all his sessions free, in exchange for "promoting" the Spas he represents.. then writes the most absurd and ludicrous reviews, long-winded nightmares that give little information, really. he is reckless.. the Cops went looking for him at Gold One, holding a printout of one of his reviews.. they knew he was tied in with Kay, the Owner.. he got away, but still refuses to tone down his ridiculous reviews.. that is a problem for all of us.. remember that review of Gucci 2 weeks ago? he said "me and the girls decided she is 24 (years old)".. huh? he huddled with the staff at Lucky Haven to hammer out an age to post, that was acceptable to everyone there?? ironically he took the secret photos of Gucci and posted them, which made her quit and go to Bali. Lucky Haven got burned giving Bobby the free session. and Gucci was livid that she gave her body for free, to a Jackass that posted unwanted pics.

(2) he lies about it.. he says he spends "tens of thousands of dollars" a year, going "almost every day" to the Spas.. Bullshit, LOL.. I have had at least 15 people tell me about him. many horror stories, including his refusal to take showers, choking Providers, his fixation on the very young, innuendo in his reviews about the Provider looking like a high school girl, or his belief that she is about to accept anal, just give her a little time.

(3) he attacked me viciously beginning about a year ago, for simply stating that Jessica at NyNy was 50 years old. he and others kept posting 20's, early 20's.. I simply said she was significantly older, Bobby kept calling me a lying Bullshitter, until I finally told. Bobby shut up after that, he knew I was right. then more attacks from Bobby, saying multiple times that I tried to get free sessions myself, and when refused, I went on a mission to destroy the spas in question. he said I threatened Owners with bad posts if they didn't cooperate. Bobby said Spa Owners told him that.. absolute pack of lies, and he should have been banned for that. then he lied and said Nagoya wasn't open the night me and my friend went there, when Ashley upsold my friend and had a bitchy attitude. and he's accused me of having 8-9 handles, openly.. whenever someone besides me disagrees with him, that person is automatically said to be my handle.. I have had one handle my whole time on ECCIE. Bobby is literally the only person on ECCIE I dislike, he is a ******** of immense proportion. I'm his big enemy, because I exposed him..
I could post a couple more things I know of, but won't because I was told in confidence, that makes the previous stuff look like Hickory Dickory Dock.