For what it's worth, I think that a couple of important things have come up here:

1) There has to be a mutual agreement. If a gal doesn't want BB or AA, we need to respect that. I'm not AA and I don't know what that's like. As an Anglo type, I tend to prefer other Anglo types. But there are times that I like to dip into the chocolate or browner varieties. Guys like to choose between varieties so that we get that sense of novelty.

It's different for girls. If a gal doesn't like AA for whatever reason, should she really be required? I tend to prefer gals that are more open-minded and might accept AA in the right circumstances, but honestly it's not a show-stopper for me. The gals have to decide who they are willing to see.

One gal advertises openly that if you are bald and have a moustache, don't bother contacting her. I was interested in her, but she obviously wasn't interested in me, so I didn't try to contact her. I don't think it would be begging if I had, but maybe in a sense, since I have so many other options. I know that's not the same dynamic if you are AA, that's just my take on it.

2) BBFS may be more widespread than we like to think. Still we have the capacity to think. A lot of us have had an accident, and if you have, you need to get tested regularly. You need to get tested regularly anyway, maybe even take a break from the hobby if you think that you might be a risk to others.

This may be self-evident to you. If not or even otherwise, definitely don't contact the non-BB gals asking for BB. I know that the cover robs us of a lot of joy, but there are other ways to have fun. Mr Happy doesn't really care whether it's hand, mouth, or kitty. He is happy either way.