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Thread: WHERE TO START! Companion Candidates

  1. #1
    Administrator ck1942's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Always searching for UTR redheads, hot chocolattes & my next cuppa purrfect java

    WHERE TO START! Companion Candidates

    Welcome to ourhome2!

    Your profile, once your registration is completed, will show "Registered Female (Not Verified) member status based on available data.

    You want it to be:

    "Verified Companion"

    as soon as possible, so you are able to

    -- post in all open forums
    -- post in daily ad forums
    -- have companion only security and resource forums access
    -- build personal photo albums
    -- enjoy expanded private messaging
    -- and more companion only resources

    IMPORTANT: Full access at ourhome2 requires that you be a verified companion or a verified hobbyist since this is an active hobbying community. Onlookers are welcome, of course, but their access will be way less than "full" until their status is verified.

    "Active" membership means members here are expected to participate in the hobby by engaging in person+person activities and by posting in coed or private forum discussions, post ads, post reviews or otherwise make yourself known within the community.

    When you are verified companion status, you will have access to all community ad forums and you may post ads to market in-person services; please do not post ads only to promote Only Fans or Snap Chat or other subscription services.

    Please note: staff on oh2 never asks members to text photos. If someone asks you to do that, please report that action to ck1942 via pm here.

    How to be verified:

    Have verified hobbyist/companions PM me -- ck1942 -- with a confirmation vouch for you. If someone referred you here, have them PM me, too. While referrals are valued, they are not confirmations.

    Companions and hobbyist at ourhome2 are equals; we are not like other communities.

    No hobbyist may demand anything from a companion except equal treatment; those who demand more should be reported within the companion security areas or to community guides or management.

    All Verified Companions and Verified Hobbyists are vouched in and then reconfirmed periodically in order to maintain their status here.

    The basic Registered (Not Verified) Member is very basic: barely above a lurker or guest with basic access and posting ability.

    "use it or lose it"

    Members who are not verified soon after registration will lose their initial access.

    Thanks for joining home2 where respect is our key requirement for fun.


    p.s. please tell those you trust how to find home2!

    p.p.s. "Pay it forward!" Your Verified Companion status helps build the community when you vouch hobbyist candidates to ck1942

    If you have any questions, please contact me by PM here or mail me at
    LINK! oh2 current situation report

    In these trying times, your patience and support are greatly appreciated. Stay safe out there!

    = = = = =

    Beating the review template gremlin! LINK for hobbyists


    FAQ: OH2's RULES! A Quick Read

    2024 Austin/San Antonio Meet & Greets
    San Antonio - cancelled- new dates TBA


    Ladies, please note:
    ck1942 doesn't vouch for hobbyists.
    -- "Verified hobbyist" is only a title; he should always be screened/vouched
    -- Very aware hobbyists always start a contact process by sending a PM before sending any texts!

  2. #2
    Administrator ck1942's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Always searching for UTR redheads, hot chocolattes & my next cuppa purrfect java

    Please help grow our community by sending this message to your hobby friends

    Sending you this link to help you navigate the new "hobbyverse"

    Please join which is a hobby community where companions are full partners.

    Home2's many features directly support companions -- you may post daily ads in multiple forums; rates, services, full nudity and other personal choices are yours to make.

    home2 is totally free and has never charged anyone for access.

    There are no intrusive ads, no banners, no pop ups and, yes there are some trolls, but they quickly get shut down once exposed.

    I am there and I think you should be there, too.

    Try it! No guarantees, but I think you will appreciate the community.


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