Quote Originally Posted by Sweetsuzanna8 View Post
I watched a great mini documentary on Netflix about this topic. "Your World Explained" is the series and one of its episodes is called Monogomy.

I think about that a lot. If humans are meant to be with one partner. I didnt really think so. Watch it, its less than an hour long. Then lets discuss it
Monogomy is not what this profession is about. If a commitment is made, either formally through marriage or civil union, or informally as in a promise made privately between two people, and then one of those individuals subject to that agreement becomes initimate with another person either briefly through a tryst that lasts 30 minutes or a relationship that lasts longer than a day, monogamy no longer exists, no matter the intent of the individuals involved. But that’s one individuals opinion. ******s, by definition, provide intimacy to multiple people for material or monetary gain. No monogamy involved.