I've always had a serious aficionado for making girls scream from DATY.

I blame it on the fact that my dad hid Penthouse Forum-like material under his mattress when I was in my impressionable pre-teen years instead of the bigger photo mags, which forced me to read the stories. (It was probably easier for him to hide and a better alibi if my mom caught him. LOL)

The stories, while creative, all had one central theme...
Please, the woman !

This theme was hard pressed into my subconscience.
And every story in every mag advised that if you aren't swinging 10... just double down on the oral.
Well, I took it to heart.

As a result of my practice and quest for knowledge over the last 40 years, I've accumulated hundreds of thousands of hours of exhaustive real life research and could easily write a Doctoral Thesis on the subject that even Alfred Kinsey would be proud of.

This includes lots of medical books, the inner workings of the human body with anatomy and neuro-connectivity, and the practices of both eastern and western medicines.
Participating in lectures and seminars, teaching sex ed classes in the military to other sailors and marines.
And finally watching lots and lots of PORN. LOL.

My greatest compliment to date was being told I am better at going down on a woman than a lesbian (by a late-40s bisexual woman at a swingers party in Commiefornia).

I've also been told by many women that I could charge for my carnal services, but that runs about the same vein as the song
"Peace Sells... but Who's Buying?"

"If a man says something in the woods, and a woman isn't there to hear it, is he still wrong?"

Apparently, so...

I posted a DATY ISO in San Antonio early last year, and I couldn't find any takers.


(Full disclosure: I had already seen Chilipepper a few months before that post)

Lastly, I completely understand why the OP posted his rant.

Hell, every guy thinks he's great in bed. Even if he's hung like a Vienna Sausage and can only last 2 minutes.

It's not like there's a Sex Olympics for people to compete.
(Wouldn't that be something..)

They say, Sex and golf are the two things you can enjoy even if you're not good at them, right ?

So with that, I will leave you with a link to a bunch of DATY memes I think are funny and relatable.

And if my rant or any of my posted links or memes have sparked the interest of the lady-folk curious enough to take the DATY Challenge, please feel free to send me a PM. I'll be happy to drive up to Austin to give you the full two hour show.

This is the first dropbox link I've ever posted, so please let me know if it works.

Happy hunting.
