Quote Originally Posted by SexyJess View Post
But I only do it in an intimate situation with my significant other.
Then don't even mention that you do it at all. By admitting that you enjoy the practice - even if it's only with a loved one - in their eyes you're open to being convinced. To them it's like offering a drink to a sober alcoholic - sure you say you don't want it but they know there's a chance they can make you break. They have no regard for your personal feelings in the matter, only their own desires.

It's no different from them wanting negotiated pricing. Just state 'No greek, no price negotiation.' in your ads and if (or when) they inquire tell them 'No, and any further mention will get you blocked.' You're the commodity, not them.

And for the record I enjoy performing greek, but only if the lady wants to and enjoys it. Ladies, please don't list it just as a means to get an extra fee and then complain that you don't like it.