Quote Originally Posted by mrkittykat123 View Post
In my brief months here I've come to realize that TCB (Taking Care of Busines) means different things to different folks. I would like to hear from both sides what qualifies as TCB for you?
Not waiting until 50 min before session saying you are going to be 1.5 hours late. Then trying to blame it on traffic when I looked at Google Traffic map an all green. NO TRAFFIC. So if you are lie and use traffic as an excuse. Make sure there is actually traffic. The lie does not work anymore.

Being on time, returning text and dms within a reasonable amount of time. Not using outdated pics that do not show you gained 50 pounds. There is one Provider here still using pics from 2005 or so. yes, 20 years ago. I laugh every time I see her ad come up.

Treat people with dignity and honesty and things will be fine.