The guy fixing termite damage on the new vrbo I just bought had a like new 79 gold ta in high school. His dad bought it for him and put it in the garage until he got old enough to drive. I can remember sitting in his garage when we were not quite teens yet and being so fucking jealous knowing he was going to get way more pussy than me because his first car was going to be a bad ass like new ta with the 400 small block leather seats machine turned dash panel hood scoop with the bad ass full firebird decal on the hood. He ended up totaling the car by the time we were 20 but we sure had fun before he ran it off the road at 60 and hit a concrete culvert less than a quarter mile from his house. Plus he didnt get that much pussy with it he settled down for one ho all through high school while I ran it through about 35 before I finally graduated (yes I acutally kept a list and yes still have it lol). I know not very impressive numbers but this was the 80s in the full on aids propaganda era. I did pretty good all things considered.

My pop knew how jealous I was and ended up trading out a friend he grew up with who had a vett shop for a 70 lt1 with factory side pipes Nassau blue paint and white leather interior for my first vett about two years before I got a license. It was meant to keep me in line knowing if I flew straight I would get to drive this bad ass vett through high school. Well I can still remember the day the wrecker pulled up to take the vett away because I was an idiot jackass as a kid and wouldn't listen to my pop. He laid the law down and I didnt listen so the vett got sold. God what I wouldnt give to have that care back now. I still kick myself in the ass for not listening to my dad when I was a kid especially when he was trying to bribe me to be smart and set myself up for a much better life than I ended up making for myself. Well at least I still make it a point to get some young poon now and then. So my entire life hasnt been a complete waste. I still wish I had that vett though