Well? We know who Bethany is referring to!!

Bethany ... I have never met you. So I do not have a dog in this hunt. TexasTitian is a "registered" male on this site. If the MODS kicked him off, to my knowledge there isn't a way to keep him from coming back under another name. So, other than ignoring him, not much else you can do IMO. If it is TexasTitian or someone else, the more you talk about it out in the open, the more he knows his efforts are working. Ignore whomever it is. Sooner or later something else will piss them off and their attention will be focused elsewhere.

TexasTitian ... if you are the one who got ripped off, post an ALERT about it. I have been ripped off twice. Part if the risk we take as hobbyist. Learn from it and move on.

Now if TexasTitian posts an ALERT on Bethany and others chime in saying the same thing has happened to them, then buyer beware!!