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Thread: Angela, Lover, Confidant, Erotic Guide

  1. #1
    Registered Female (Not Verified) Angela Diana's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2022
    Austin, TX

    Angela, Lover, Confidant, Erotic Guide

    I’m available in Austin within 3 hours of receiving your deposit. More info on me & all my links:

    I'm excited to develop genuine long-term relationships and have weekly dates with intelligent, generous, kind, service-oriented men.

    Our dates will feel less clinical and more like reuniting with your high school crush… You’ve been waiting for this for 20 years and all the green flags are there! Tonight is going to be amazing!

    For our extended time together, I have a bunch of ideas up my sleeve! Whether it’s a short retreat away from your demanding daily life or a multi-day getaway, we can make it happen. It can be as simple as getting to know each other over drinks, or we could even venture out and explore one of the many dining options my great city has to offer. I am very laid back and prefer a casual atmosphere – while I do enjoy dressing up if the occasion calls for it, I am much more comfortable wearing a cute blouse and leggings. Need help with suggestions on what we can do? Just ask!

    I recently removed myself from the vanilla employment sector (and from the traditional dating market). I’m pursuing a career in the adult entertainment industry and am in the process of rediscovering my authentic self and refining my brand. I'm interested in podcasting & blogging & being a public sw ally and advocate.

    I see the Dominatrix Wonderwoman archetype as part of my personal identity and brand, but again, I'm brand new to all this and still building the confidence to move forward with D/s sessions! Send your tribute now to fund my Dom training!

    Side note, I’m of the servant-leader/ protector/ nurturer/ archetype as evidenced by my past occupations as an Air Force Medic, Social Worker, and hypnotist. My undergrad from UT is in Human Development and Family Sciences with an emphasis on Personal Relationships.

    If you get me talking, I'm fascinated with consciousness, neurobiology, neurolinguistics, parapsychology, secular spirituality, sociology, etc.

    I enjoy giving and receiving massages, dance, yoga, meditation, hiking, biking, swimming, and being in nature. Nature is my muse and I am often found walking barefoot, hugging trees, smelling flowers, bathing in the sun ☀️, running with my dog or playing with my pet chickens.
    I'm an open-minded, sexually liberated woman. I must confess I’m finding it quite exciting to meet a perfect stranger and just be slutty and play uninhibitedly & have a good romp in the sheets!!!! That being said, please understand all you are paying for is my time, my full attention, and my conversation. The care & affection I have for you comes from the heart. It can’t be bought and is absolutely free.

    I don't have hypothetical conversations discussing scripted play dates before ever meeting someone. It's important to me that our dates be as authentic and unfold as organically as possible, which is why I recommend and prefer longer dates.

    We may discuss future dates in more detail in person, depending on how we are vibing at the moment. We will vibe well if you are someone who values autonomous relating with emotional connection, psychological stimulation, and physical playfulness.

    60 Minute Virtual Consultation - $100
    While I thrive on the human connection that physical closeness brings, emotional intimacy is just as, if not the most important and enjoyable part of what I do! Let's not let distance be a barrier to connecting! This is also a great option if you have any questions prior to committing to a booking.

    In person
    30 minutes - $400 - Quick meet and greet

    60 minutes - $600 Erotic lap dance

    3 hours - $1,000 - Full body sensual massage

    Overnight - $1500
    3 hour dinner date & drinks & 6 hours of endless naked cuddling while we get our beauty rest!

    Monthly Packages
    Monthly Casual Dating - $2500
    Includes 1 date a month (up to 3 hours), unlimited calls & texts, 1 video date (up to an hour)

    Monthly Girlfriend Devotion -$5000
    Includes 2 physical dates a month (up to 3 hours each), unlimited calls & texts, 2 video dates (up to 1 hour each).

    Monthly Hotwife Commitment - $10,000
    A more exclusive monthly package which includes 4 physical dates a month (up to 3 hours each), unlimited calls & texts, 2 video dates (up to 1 hour each)
    Last edited by Angela Diana; 06-27-2022 at 03:35 PM.

  2. #2
    Verified Hobbyist BCD NativeAmerican's Avatar
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    South Park meadows
    Welcome.. and uhh, good luck. :)

    The rest of the story is hidden. You must be a verified hobbyist to view additional content.

  3. #3
    Verified Hobbyist BCD tzv13's Avatar
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    Austin Baby
    Welcome to OH2!

  4. #4
    Verified Hobbyist BCD No2NoOnion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NativeAmerican View Post
    Welcome.. and uhh, good luck. :)

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    I thought I was on 9GAG after reading that.

  5. #5
    Verified Hobbyist BCD casa-nova's Avatar
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  6. #6
    Registered Female (Not Verified) Angela Diana's Avatar
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    Jun 2022
    Austin, TX
    Thank you for the warm Welcome! Now let's meet up! BTW, I just had my first Dom training session yesterday!

  7. #7
    Verified Hobbyist BCD tzv13's Avatar
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    Austin Baby
    Quote Originally Posted by Angela Diana View Post
    Thank you for the warm Welcome! Now let's meet up! BTW, I just had my first Dom training session yesterday!

  8. #8
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    Welcome - enjoy yourself
    6,969 ECCIE Reviews

  9. #9
    Registered Female (Not Verified) Angela Diana's Avatar
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    Austin, TX
    It's official!!! My website is up!!

    All my links:

  10. #10
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Adonisman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angela Diana View Post
    I’m available in Austin within 3 hours of receiving your deposit. More info on me & all my links:

    Monthly Packages
    Monthly Casual Dating - $2500
    Includes 1 date a month (up to 3 hours), unlimited calls & texts, 1 video date (up to an hour)

    Monthly Girlfriend Devotion -$5000
    Includes 2 physical dates a month (up to 3 hours each), unlimited calls & texts, 2 video dates (up to 1 hour each).

    Monthly Hotwife Commitment - $10,000
    A more exclusive monthly package which includes 4 physical dates a month (up to 3 hours each), unlimited calls & texts, 2 video dates (up to 1 hour each)
    Good luck with these options. Way too much for this crowd. I can see my SB 2-3 times a week and 5-6 times a month intimacy for $2500 and 4-5 hours each date. And no condom.

  11. #11
    Registered Female (Not Verified) Angela Diana's Avatar
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    Jun 2022
    Austin, TX
    The Issue with Arrangement Culture” by Sienna Hunter (on sugar dating):

    At a glance, some sugar babies consider themselves to be sex workers, some don’t, and the general public sometimes labels them as sex workers and sometimes not.

    I’m deeply concerned about the proposed notion that arrangements should not be viewed as a form of sex work. I’m also deeply disturbed by the manner in which sugaring/ arrangement culture has been co-opted by companies like Seeking Arrangement in an effort to further their success at the expense of it’s vulnerable users and commercial sex workers.

    As an escort, I understand why these women are sugaring especially since straight up prostitution is illegal. While I don’t want to remove this option for these women, I do want to highlight how arrangement culture enables exploitation and further marginalizes and stigmatizes the sex industry.

    Using ones desirability to their advantage in this capitalist society does offer amazing benefits, but the Sugar narrative makes it more difficult for sugar babies to negotiate arrangements with their sugar daddies in open, honest and authentic ways for fear of being perceived as too transactional. This creates an environment where sugar babies need to be coy or just hope that their sugar daddies will be generous and can create a situation where sugar babies are easily exploited and more poignantly, ripped off.

    Lets’ explore this idea in relation to escorting…

    When a client contacts an escort, he, she or they must abide by the terms set out by the escort. For example, many independent escorts have websites where they discuss their rates and services including what they do and don’t offer. For example, some escorts offer bare back blowjobs and some only offer covered blow jobs. A client seeking the former will likely not contact an escort only offering the later… and vice versa.

    Slowly but surely, the movement towards being an independent sex worker began to take place instead of being listed in the news papers, working on the streets or working for an agency. Suddenly white and middle class sex workers began to pick and choose their clients based on a variety of personal preferences and boundaries with advantages like determining ones own rate. As a side note, it’s important to specify white and middle class because it’s important to recognize how marginalization affects a persons ability to negotiate fees for services. For example, As as conventionally attractive, upper class, white-passing woman it’s easy for me to be picky and build a brand for myself. This may not be the case for an indigenous single mother or a BBW sex worker. I’ve noticed a trend; more and more conventionally attractive sex workers are asking for higher rates. This leaves non-normative escorts at a disadvantage in this industry. Slowly but surely, what once could be purchased for a low cost was much less readily available for men seeking companionship. So how to solve the issue of this unavailability of young, mostly white, desirable women, charging too much and having too much power? Insert the sugar baby marketing scheme. After all… sugar babies are respectable women who know how to behave properly.

    By contrast, in the sugar baby dynamic, the sugar daddy has the upper hand and the sugar baby doesn’t have much bargaining power. In fact, bargaining beyond the randomized standard rate as set by sugar daddies of $300- $500 per meet in and of itself is frowned upon and seen as too transactional. AKA if the baby thinks their time is worth more than that, the expression, “no professionals” is often thrown around, further shaming any baby that has the audacity to have any kind of experience before sleeping with a daddy before for money.

    The sugar baby has full control and agency over her choice involving herself in this endeavor, however, she is doing so in a way that enables her to be exploited. Often, enforcing boundaries takes time to learn. I’m in my mid 30’s and I’m still learning. Not unlike the Jeffery Epstein situation we are all well acquainted with in which he prays on young, naive women, offers them $300 for massage and offers them more in a private space. As the me too movement has illustrated, many women are often pressured into doing something the don’t want to do, men are not taught to listen, and women are not taught to enforce their boundaries. Some men never learn and for women it’s a life long journey.

    Promoting being a sugar baby through arrangement websites is problematic because these companies are fundamentally dishonest by claiming sex is not expected my most users. I mean, how could a company claim to know what is users are expecting and asking of people? It’s entirely true that exchanging finances for sexual acts is still illegal in the United States…. Cue calling yourself a sugar baby instead of an escort and pretend sex isn’t expected… The women are reassured it’s not expected and why would you not want to show your appreciation? The issue is, when the party seeking tangible benefits understandably asks how they will benefit financially, I mean advice doesn’t pay the bills… They are often told to “trust the process” and show their devotion to the well off Dady’s interest, often assured that they will be taken care of in the future, whatever that means…. The potential for trauma and predatory abuse is visibly present. Platforms advocating power dynamics such as these inevitably create an enormous trail of traumatized ambitious folk seeking to increase their social economic standing through work. When traumatic experiences inevitably happen given the now normative parameters, the vulnerable party typically blames themselves for putting themselves in that situation, but in reality were coaxed to believe they’d benefit for their work within the boundaries as acceptable to them… But the terms are purposely vague so people have to negotiate with one another. If this continues the new generation of young professionals will be individuals gaslit and violated into oblivion with lower self esteem due to these encounters founded on giving them no standing to seek justice for abuse.

    Arrangement culture makes me sick to stomach because of the unaddressed foundational power imbalances skewed towards further rewarding the wealthy party within these relationships and the predatory behavior it enables. As you are aware, paying for sex is illegal in the United States so alternative labels such as “Sugar Baby” are being created as way around stigma, discrimination and decriminalization.

    The romanticized version of a good arrangement does sound good… but I don’t agree with calling it sex work adjacent and promoting it at the expense of other sex workers. Also, user experience differs greatly from what the marketing campaign advertises. I don’t know that any benefits of platforms like these existing in their current form is worth the trail of trauma and abuse they leave. I encourage anyone with doubts or curiosity to simply join for a week or so and decide for themselves. I don’t want to remove this option for young women seeking to exchange their desirability for finances, but I cannot stand idle and watch something similar to a predators playground being promoted as a more honorable path in leu of sex work.

    Advocating for this brand of sex work is in essence aiding these predators in their playground. This dynamic is driven by the demand of wealthy men seeking women from lower socioeconomic classes willing to negotiate an intimate relationship for compensation to avoid debt slavery.

    Seeking Arrangement is actively recruiting ladies with 4,000 or more instagram followers to be influences and ambassadors for seeking arrangement as the new socially acceptable way to work in the sex work adjacent industry. While I whole heartedly agree that people should have decriminalized access to sex work both as a provider and as a client, condoning this is the kiss of death for independent escorts who are advocating for their right to work safely in these endeavors. It also results in anyone rapped or sexually assaulted having nowhere to turn and they typically blame themselves for incredibly traumatic experiences that had nothing to do with them. Is this really the way we want to start off the lives of our young people entering their professional lives?

    Sugar babying doesn’t have to be exploitative. It can exist
    All while condemning the sex work industry
    The danger of taking on and spreading this marketing angle is it omits the negative experiences and high opportunity for trauma and abuse. That is a problem. By condoning this version of sex work and not calling it real sex work where intimacy is expected, you’re aiding predators at the expense of young people. I understand there is no incentive to redistribute power to the typically younger female in this dynamic as their typically older male counterparts feel they have worked hard in society and deserve to be worshiped…. I don’t disagree that they deserve rewards for their commitments and hard work… but I doubt they themselves would enter into an arrangement that didn’t guarantee labor rights or compensation for their time, or at a bare minimum, their personal safety? So why do they expect it in sugar babies? Is there truly a harm in allowing some distribution of power to the sugar baby sex worker that allows them to have some form of ground to stand on if in an intimate situation something goes south or doesn’t hold up at their end of the verbal contract?
    Last edited by Angela Diana; 07-11-2022 at 12:48 PM.

  12. #12
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    Oct 2020
    Seriously, get real.

    You're wasting everybody's time with this non-sense.

    Get a realistic view of the clientele and rates for this forum.

  13. #13
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    May 2018
    This is not a sugar site.

  14. #14
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    Aug 2021
    I like BBWs too!!!
    You're an attractive woman but unfortunately you are not $600-an-hour-for-a-lap-dance attractive.

    Looks like you are very new to this business so you are trying to get a feel for your market rate. You should take the feedback you are getting on this website seriously and consider lowering your rates.

    I have to imagine it's going to be a long time before you get verified on here.
    Last edited by SpinnerBanger; 07-12-2022 at 11:16 AM.
    Despite my handle, I am actually very ok with women of all sizes. My only requirement is that they be sexy!

    White male in his early 50’s.

    Activities liked: BJ, CG, Mish, K9, prone bone!

  15. #15
    Verified Hobbyist BCD DocHoliday's Avatar
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    In a secret, heavliy defended, underground lair somewhere in the OH2 Badlands
    If you hate this business, quit!! If you hate this country, move! Thanks
    Newbie members friendly. Troll inhospitable & I have an ever growing troll ignore list!!!
    I’m your Huckleberry and this hobby is just my game. Ladies, just say when!! #Pussy Posse founding member
    If you’re BSC, probably BSC, a drama Queen/King, WK or troll, DON’T PM me or post in my threads
    Thanks for your cooperation.
    Email for issues is The verification process is HERE The review gremlin patch is HERE

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