Lots of people from here have subscribed to my OF, as well as clients from Tryst and everywhere I list. I provide my OF and my snap on everything, and then on my snap I advertise new content teasers and it grabs some new subscribers as well. Lots of subscribers actually turn into clients eventually. So while some may not understand it, there are some guys that are still too shy or nervous to actually meet with a lady they like, or don't have the funds for a session but can actually pay for a subscription in the mean time and hype them up for when they are ready to book. It also gives people a way of feeling like they kind of know you before you meet them too which makes it more personal for them, and you already set up a relationship that way before actually meeting. so it makes more sense from other hobbying perspectives... After all, im sure there are way more lurkers here than actively posting members, so it would make sense we dont really get their input on these kind of things.