
ty for trying to assist but at the current moment anyone trying to retrieve a password or update an email addy will hit an automatic (autocratic?) emailer issue and that account will be security frozen until an admin unlocks it.

It is happening boardwide simply because the emailer is not set up to handle the current traffic load.

Admin support is unlocking and validating new registrations and existing accounts as quickly as possible, and while it is relatively simplye to validate most companion registrations from existing sources, simply cannot do the same for the gents as well.

So, ladies, please step up to the plate and send ck1942 a pm (or em or text if you have my phone) vouching for gents you know and trust -- especially if you have seen them in the last 90 days or so.

Gents, please do your part, too, and re-create reviews here from elsewhere as best you can (google search may assist) so the ladies have history here.

All of y'all, please let folks you know and trust help find the home2 community so we can help everyone cope with "The Transition" however long it might last.

Love to all y'all from this former Okie who still tears up when he hears the theme from Oklahoma! by Rodgers and Hammerstein.